Miracle #3 - MITAI...

Jun 03, 2011 18:50

Who: Jesus and all of you!
Where: Somni
Style: Starts in third, will follow whatever!
Status: Open =3c

Jesus knew this day was going to come, eventually.

He just didn't know it would be so soon.

So, wasn't Somarium a land of dreams? So why a place like that needed money? And more importantly, why he had to spend all his money on snacks and things like that?

Momo's pie and jam were delicious, of course, and he could make bread out of stones, but he couldn't ask her to make him free food forever and he couldn't live on bread only, could he? Sure he had endured hunger a lot in the past, but it wasn't like he wanted to go through such a probation again. Specially when there was no need to.

And walking though the shopping district wasn't helping at all. Specially when he passed by this huge bakery that had the most delicious cakes and deserts on he front window.

... They look so delicious... Jesus thought to himself, looking at the sweet treats on the other side of the glass. Suddenly, everything looked so incredibly attractive.

But... I can't buy them... I used most of my money already and I need to save it to pay the rent... More staring. Ugh... Why is the food here so good anyway?

Pulling on his t-shirt on an useless attempt to try and curb his impulses, Jesus didn't even notice that he had started bleeding from his crown of thorns. What was probably freaking out the people that were passing by.

(( ooc: The title of this post and pretty much everything here is based on this bit of the manga *giggles* ))

!location: somni, jesus, kanaya maryam, wrath

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