There are two ways a person can canon update their character:
- Dream Update: Basically the character has a dream of everything that happens up until the point you want to update them to. However, they still will not have experienced the actual events and it will be more like an amnesiac watch a film of their life, or someone telling them what had
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Important events in November worth noting would be the betrayal of Ikutsuki and the death of Takeharu Kirijo. Up until this point in game, the Chief Director of Gekkoukan High was the chairman overseeing S.E.E.S. His name was Shuji Ikutsuki and he was employed by the Kirijo group. He put on a a bit of a lame and geeky face, telling horrible puns and seeming harmless enough to gain the trust of those around him.
In actuality, Ikutsuki wanted to bring about The Fall -- the end of the world, as dreamed by Mitsuru's own grandfather. It's revealed that he'd manipulated S.E.E.S. into killing the twelve arcana shadows but what he'd neglected to tell them was that after the twelve were defeated, Death would emerge and summon Nyx to destroy this world.
Akihiko, among the rest of the members of S.E.E.S. ended up being captured inside of Tartatus and Ikutsuki intended to use them as human sacrifices -- offerings to Nyx to bring about The Fall. He reprogrammed Aigis, the team's Anti-Shadow Weapon (which happened to be an android), to kill the group. Aigis, despite the change in her programming, is unable to kill them.
Takeharu Kirijo, Mitsuru's father, attempts to stop Ikutsuki but is shot by him instead. Aigis freed S.E.E.S, but Ikustuki jumped from the top of the tower to his death.
Everything was already in place though, and Death would arrive and summon Nyx. THAT'S FINE THOUGH. WE DON'T CARE. We're going on a SCHOOL FIELD TRIP! To KYOTO! ...Because that's clearly very fun and educational.
Kyoto trip turns sour when the boys are in the open-air bath and Ryoji and Junpei decide to "forget" to read when the bath schedule changes to the girls turn. Upon discovering Mitsuru, Yukari, Fuuka and Aigis have come to bathe, Minato and company (including an absolutely terrified Akihiko) attempt to Metal Gear their way out. Failure leads to execution, success leads to a very relieved Akihiko.
Once Ryoji reveals that he is the Appriser and will summon Nyx to bring about The Fall, within a day or so of this conference, Akihiko is back to training. He doesn't have time to fret over the almost certain destruction of humanity. Heck no -- he needs to train and punch every shadow in the face. Ryoji gives them until the 31st of December to make their decision; kill Ryoji then and there and forget everything about the Dark Hour and Tartarus, living peacefully for another few months until The Fall... or let him live, and fight Nyx.
Akihiko spends only a short time contemplating his own mortality during the month of December but quickly makes his decision. That decision is to naturally PUNCH EVERY HARBINGER OF THE FALL IN THE FACE (in my playthrough of P3, he did deliver the finishing blow to the Nyx Avatar with a basic strike attack.)
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