Aug 11, 2004 15:14
i emailed Vagrant a couple times about the money they owe me from the non-flash website for Down To Earth Approach and they FINALLY responded saying to resend an invoice. granted, i still may never get paid, but im hopeful. you'd think the big names have enough that they wouldn't need to screw the little guy....maybe that's how they GOT big....
in other news, we booked some time with our buddy Nate at the Ranch, so we should have a better demo than i anticipated. It's still not a full out studio recording, but he has some good equipment, and a lot more experience recording than i do, so it should make for a decent example of our sound.
OC nite starts back up soon. sooooo exciting....
not much else has changed since yesterday's entry, so this is where i leave you.
be good to each other.