pinko liberal communist scum!

Feb 08, 2007 09:55

Well, what's the shipment my office gets from Cuba via Columbia (which occasionally gets raped by various government entities)?

A bulk order of the magazine Temas.

Temas se publica, desde enero de 1995, con el propósito de constituir un espacio para la reflexión crítica y el debate de ideas, en torno a los problemas de la cultura y el pensamiento social contemporáneos en Cuba y en el mundo. Su perfil abarca las artes y las letras, los problemas de las ciencias sociales y humanísticas, la teoría política y la ideología.

La revista recoge posiciones e interpretaciones diversas que puedan enriquecer el conocimiento de la realidad cubana y mundial, desde una perspectiva integral y multidisciplinaria. Se dirige a estimular la discrepancia y el intercambio, y a dar espacio a la pluralidad de opiniones de autores de cualquier nacionalidad.

La revista se publica 4 veces al año. Hasta el presente, su financiamiento ha sido provisto mayormente por el Fondo para el Desarrollo de la Cultura y la Educación, agencia del Ministerio de Cultura de Cuba. También se han recibido contribuciones de OXFAM, la UNESCO, la Fundación MacArthur y otras instituciones.

Temas es una publicación no lucrativa. No constituye órgano oficial de ninguna institución ni organismo estatal. El Consejo Editorial es el responsable de su línea editorial.

La página electrónica de la revista se inició en septiembre de 2002.

Temas is published, since January 1995, with the intent to provide a forum for critical reflections and debates about contemporary culture and social thought in Cuba and the world. The articles encompass arts, literature, problems of the social and humanistic sciences, political theory, and ideology.

The magazine is inclusive and multidisciplinary and features articles representing diverse positions and interpretations to enrich the knowledge of the Cuban and world-wide reality. Its aim is to stimulate discussion and provide an oppurtunity for authors of various nationalities to voice their diverse opinions.

Temas is published four times a year. Financing has been provided mainly by the Fund for the Development of Culture and Education, an agency of the Ministry of Culture of Cuba. Contributions also come from OXFAM, UNESCO, the MacArthur Foundation, and other institutions.

Temas is a non-profit publication. It does not act as the official publication of any institution or governnmental entity. The Publishing Council is solely responsible for its content.

I guess we're supposed to distribute the dang things, but appearently, we don't got that many people that want them. Pretty silly, considering that we can just give them out to the Latin American Studies faculty. We would still have a bunch left anyway.

Some could be used as course material for any Cuban studies classes, but there will still be a bunch left.

Hmmm... Anyone interested in receiving issues of Temas? If you can't read Spanish, at the very least the cover art is very interesting. We've got isues 1-23 and 31-48, though I don't think the office would give away the few copies of issues 2 and 33 we have.

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