Jul 01, 2013 02:59
I am Catholic, that is my faith and my belief. I will tell you why I believe what I do further if you ask. My religion was not beat into me or forced upon me, this was taught to me so I know God and when I got older I could make a choice about religion. I actually asked to go to church when I was growing up and still do go every Sunday. I have my own personal relationship with God and my faith has played a big part of my life and my connection with my family.
I do not believe I’m going to Hell if I support my gay, lesbian, bisexual, transsexual, or transgender friends and I don’t believe I’ll reach Heaven by condemning anyone to Hell for any reason. I was a little girl when I knew I liked both boys and girls. Most people don’t know but I’m not ashamed to talk about it, either. And I didn’t know it “wasn’t normal" as a child, how could I? I accept it as part of my life but it’s not all of who I am. Some people cannot see past orientation labels.
I’m living my life with my beliefs and my struggles that I wouldn’t want anyone judging or condemning me for. I have a lot on my plate, and I know there’s a lot I’m doing differently than what I was taught to do, but I’m still determined to live a happy, full life and be a good person.
Love one another, support one another, treat one another with respect. If you disagree with someone’s lifestyle, either have your say-so/discuss it in a constructive manner with someone willing to have a conversation with you and/or move on with your life. Some gay/lesbian/bisexual/transsexual/transgender people have it hard enough with the people closest to them, they don’t need strangers wagging their tongue at them. It wasn’t without deep soul searching and personal struggle that they realized this is who they really are and how they’re always supposed to be to truly be themselves and happy. Let them live their lives to their fullest as you live yours. Everyone deserves that.
gay rights