dreams : jewellery and disturbing a church

Nov 13, 2007 10:21

brief snippets from my dream last night. quite incoherant. generally seemed to involve travelling and moving stuff around and being in different countries. Also back at parents house in a transient sense, engaging with my father and brother but no sign of my mum.

I was back at home collecting up all these pieces of jewellery to take with me to wherever I was going next. (not sure where this was). They were all mine, (as apposed to other jewellery dreams where I've been given a piece belonging to my grandmother or aunt), and they were all silver and purple. purple gems/jewels/glass whatever. I had them all stuffed in a pouch and they were really important for some reason. ...hmm the moving part reminded me of moving backwards and forwards from university to home when I was still a student.

my bro was up to something too, I found he was actually been quite a hard man/dodgy gangster/drug dealer outside the home, but he was explaining it was not by muscles and physical fighting he won but by verbal manipulation. I was trying to travel with him.

An amusing bit was when we were in a hall adjoining a church. Having some festival of folk music playing. They began and kicked up really loud, just when I realised a Mass/service had started in the church, and people in the congregation were giving us really evil looks through an open door for making such a racket. I was begining to be worried about us making the noise while they wanted a calm period of worship. About this point 3 people dressed up in festive fat woman costumes (kind of like huge belly dancers mixed with mardi gras, and oversized masks on) went over between the church and the music hall and started dancing around comicly/passionately. They were amazing to watch and really amusing at the same time. wobbling huge bums and boobs around the place. The prim church goers were even more horrified but they got the door slammed in their face and the festival kicked off. I was laughing a lot!

purple jewellery
"The most effective way to add the power of violet or correct a balance in the 7th Chakra is thru adding natural violet crystals and gemstones to your everyday wardrobe so they are close to you for several hours at a time and touching your skin, (the pulse points: ears, wrists, ankles, and neckline) and thus effecting your aura and Crown Chakra." from - here .

hmm. Also realised that apart from a couple of earrings all the rest of it was necklaces. Also it was more costume style rather than the precious gem stome of the ruby earrings/ring I was looking at before. I was just grabbing handfulls of them, trying to get all the ones I had left behind at home to take with me.

I'm finding it a really hard balance to find a middle ground between feeling rubbish about what I do, or feeling overinflated and bold about it. There is a lot of esoteric spiritually stuff going on at the moment but I need to keep grounded about it and not let it all "go to my head".. I think this is perhaps what the dancing fat women were about..got to work hard but laugh still!
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