Cyber stalking

May 05, 2010 15:45

Blech school. Also, where did April go? But that's not the point.

This is the point:

I'm trying to figure out how this Web site works.

According to these folks I'm a clerical/service worker. I'm single. I like animals. I've only completed some college. And the relatively new condo where we live was built in 1966. Yep. As my aunt is so keen to tell me, my town was a wide spot in the road in 1966.

And it gets better! Owencreature is not interested in politics but reads about news and politics. Has a graduate degree. And has children.

What I find even more intriguing is that my aunt's dead husband is listed there, but my aunt who only recently became a computer owner isn't. Which is what leads me to cyber stalking as my subject.

All these things are news to me. And that's what I'm trying to figure out. The only place on the internet where I'm actually less than obtuse, is here. Even this doesn't have my name attached to it. Facebook and twitter maybe? But isn't that a violation of their information tenets? Makes me wonder.

In other news:
-Two more days of classes and one test for each day. Huzzah!
-I have summer employment.
-KT bread got me hooked on WoW again. Am now a Hordie.
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