Goat's milk

Apr 19, 2010 12:35

My goat is producing a small amount of milk. Its what is called a Maiden Milkerm, meaning she has come into milk without being in kid.

She is not producing a lot, but I saved up some milk in the freezer until I had enough to make yoghurt. Made a batch on the weekend.

I also had goat's milk on my cereal this morning. I can tell you it tastes exactly the same as cows milk - just have to get used to it after usually drinking milk that has everything taken out of it. It is quite creamy.

What the goat eats can affect the taste of milk, so I am wondering what caused the really nasty flavour in some goat's cheese I had recently. It tasted what they call "goaty". Nasty.

I wish she produced a bit more milk so I could make cheese, but at the moment its working out well.
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