Title: Engaged on the Hill
Fandom: Up
Paring: Carl/Ellie
solochan Word Count: 774
Notes: I've fallen head over heels in love with UP. *points to new banner with glee* and expecailly the idea of this common place, but beautiful relationship that is the story of Carl/Ellie. I got Up, and the Art book for my birthday, and I am tad obsessed with it. It's filling a hole, and reminding me for the millionth time why I'm studying animation. I hope this little fic let is fun for you to read
It was a normal spring day when Carl and Ellie sat together on their hill. They were having a picnic, like they did every Saturday, leaving the pressures of their schooling and their families behind them. Ellie was dressed in a pretty yellow dress, her red hair tied back and he couldn't stop looking at her.
He had been in love with her for years, and they were getting to the age where life was starting at crossroads...he wondered if Ellie and her crazy, though somewhat humble family would allow her to go off travelling, though his parents were definitely against it and his dreams to visit Paradise Falls, it was the ultimate promise he'd made to her all those years ago, even though he needed to find a decent job himself, when they left school...
Her voice jolted him out of thought, they were laying down looking at the clouds, she always did love to cloud dream, as they'd started to call it. Choosing a cloud and figuring out a shape. He looked over to her, just able to catch her eye.
'Yes, Ellie?' he said in response, looking back to the clouds, he could see a tree, and a dog was that? What else could he see up in the white vapour--
'I know this might sound pretty dumb...' she trailed off, sitting up, glad they'd laid out the rug. 'But, I was going to ask, if you ever planned on getting married?'
Carl blinked he shifted himself into a sitting position. 'Married? Yeah, someday...' he said, watching her confused, that was a weird question even for her. 'You?'
'Well, you see...' she started to babble, Carl could barely make out what she was trying to tell him, so he just raised an eyebrow at her until she stopped for air.
Ellie's face was red with embarrassment, and Carl had no idea why.
'Speak slower Ellie, you know I don't understand your rambles--' He still trying to think about it now, she said the words marriage again, and his name, and her name and...
He stopped thinking, because he assumed he had all the pieces with just that little snippet of information and looked to her, and she was beaming at him, though very red faced.
'You see, I thought it'd make sense because we need to get to Paradise Falls, and if we get married, then we can go together and we don't have to take anybody else with us and--'
Ellie now looked like a strawberry, a beautiful strawberry at that.
'Are you asking me to marry you?' Carl simplified for her, his blue eyes seemed to shine behind his glasses, this had to be a dream....
'I think so,' Ellie said, 'I mean, I can't think of anyone else better to marry,' she explained, but she was beaming widely. 'If you want too sometime?'
Carl's face was a puddle of emotion, he didn't even know what to say, the girl who had been his best friend forever and ever wanted to marry him? He sort of sat there numb and she grinned at him she looked as happy as a puppy who'd been given a treat for good behaviour, which was Ellie all over.
'We're only sixteen, we don't have to marry for ages, but I thought that made sense right, so we're always together? I think I'd like that...a lot.'
'I think...' Carl admitted slowly, as he was never a very good speaker. Ellie did all the speaking. 'I'd like that too...' and they beamed at each other sitting side by side on the hill. His hand going to touch hers when he found his watch face in his general direction. Ooh gee...he really should be heading back to his parents, but right now, he wanted to stay and do more cloud dreaming with Ellie. With...well, his fiancée?
Carl grinned deeply at her. 'I have to go, I have to see my mother, I...tomorrow? The hill as usual?'
She beamed in reply nodding her head deeply and she went to get up but Carl rushed forward from where he was standing and kissed her cheek, both faces alight like traffic lights.
'Goodbye Ellie!' he roared with delight as he began running off in a different direction, and frozen the young girl sat on the hill and watched him run away back towards town. Her eyes then turning to the horizon; She was going to be married, to Carl, and she couldn't think of anyone else that she'd rather spend the rest of her life or time with...and with a massive grin she stood on the hill and started to laugh to herself.
What an adventure that was going to be.