I'm alive!!!!!! (I think....)

Feb 11, 2008 15:22

Stayed home today just to see if the fever stayed down and to hopefully build my stamina up some. Plus after I told my Monday crew my they whole-heartedly supported my staying away! Go figure.

The good news is....I think the fever is pretty much licked. I started to overdo it some by attacking my dirty house, and of course the fever started up a bit. So, I took a break, read for a bit, had some soup and it went back down....so maybe I was just getting overheated.

No Immodium since yesterday afternoon and I feel more "in control" if you get my drift. Trying to stay with blander foods for now until I am feeling closer to 100%.

Out of boredom I was trying to think of artsy-fartsy photos I could take in my house and nothing looked like I wanted so I gave up. Not going out and shooting pictures drove me nuts this weekend!

This coming weekend is the big Yard and Garden show in Portland (http://ygpshow.com/). I like attending for a couple of reasons - there is a good representation of wineries there...so I can preview them before summer; there are usually at least one or two speakers I find interesting with great ideas for gardening; and after the months of dreary weather in the NW, it's just really nice to go and see and smell flowers and see beautiful display gardens and water features. Think I'll take my camera too and see if I can get any good pictures.

In March there is is the Better Living Show (http://www.betterlivingshow.org/). I'm going to have to think of a way to really be nice to G so he'll maybe want to go. Or I suppose I could go by myself. I'd really like to hear Ed Begley speak.

Guess that is my Monday news for now. I'm going to go transplant some plants that are screaming for new pots.

cabin fever, sick, home, gardening

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