Feb 07, 2008 16:55
...and I don't mean the burger chain. Well, I stayed home again today, but I think I am a bit better. The fever is down to almost normal (like 99.4) and I haven't felt like I want to become the new Rip van Winkle as much today. I'm still dealing with the what I eat goes through my system in lightening speed. :(
Charlie came today and figured out the problem with my pond. The pump had a short in it that tripped the GFI breaker. So he got a new pump for me and got that all back together. I am thankful, my fish are really thankful. And with that work, buying the pump + other odds and ends to redo the plugs...the man only charged me $223! I tried to get him to tell me how much I owed him from the last time he was here and he wouldn't say. As soon as I am feeling better, I'm going to go get that certificate for a dinner for Charlie and his wife. He wanted to know if I wanted the old pump and I told him no...I needed to dejunk, not keep stuff, so he asked if he could have it since it works in a regular outlet and he can use it when he needs to pump water out on jobs. Of course I gave it to him!
Heard from a delivery service...the new hot tub cover will be delivered next week. Cool! Now I can clean out the tub and get it up and running and use it more often.
Tomorrow I am supposed to go to a class with C (who gave me this bug and has it herself). We are both hoping we will be better tomorrow and be able to make it.
Okay...nature is calling yet again.....
home improvement