My house looks like a summer camp occured here. Jillian and Laura are delivered to the airport and Jessica went back to her house. I have the house to myself (sans the weekend with G)until the 5th. Not sure what I will do!
Jessica brought over some of the left-overs: cookies, a box of truffles, rolls, a bag of lemons and limes (score!). I'm sure she will drop off some ham and left over orange salad tomorrow. I really don't need the cookies or I'm not sure what I'll do with them. Maybe take some to work.
Tomorrow I work for a day. Not sure what all I will accomplish, and not quite sure how to reprogram my sleep patterns, but I think it involves getting to bed really early tonight. My back feels much better today, so that's a plus! I kind of think part might have been the "stress" of seeing the ex and his g/f. As time goes on, it seems like our relationship is less and less amicable - he has to show off and out-do me or something. But that's competitive as I am, I just don't have the energy for that contest! :)
Took my old fireplace screen and a huge fan/light that was over my dining room table to the Re-Store today. They were happy to take them off my hands. I now have a new light fixture over my dining room table that is so much nicer: