Being the best at winning

Dec 16, 2007 12:02

For those that were confused. Here is how I would have typically written my previous entry:
Ants invaded my bathroom. Lots and lots of ants. Mom killed them with raid. Also, it was super foggy after class it was creepy and cool.

Friday morning Brin came over about 8ish. I made up the couch bed for her and we both went back to sleep for about 4 hours. I got up, got ready for the day, we gabbed and chatted, and then I sent took/wrote/sent off the email of my final for my Tuesday night class. (Got an email back from the prof saying I had the best answers in the class *gloat*) After that I dragged Brin to the computer lab with me while I desperately tried to finish my video project. I ended up having to cut out a third of the video because I was out of time to edit, and out of music to edit to (the song I was using wasn't long enough) BUT I got it turned in. Josh showed up right as class was starting (so I had an entourage!) and we started watching the videos. Mine was randomly chosen to be viewed first, and it was pretty much voted as best in the class (*beams of gloat shine out again*). After class the three of us went out to eat. Then Brin and I came home, chatted for a while, watched an episode of Sayonara Zetsubou Sensei and crashed about 2.

Yesterday was concert day! Josh and I left about noon and Brin waiting for her friend John to come pick her up. We got to the concert arena and got to freeze our butts off for half an hour waiting for doors to open. And then we got to eat awesome expensive concession stand food, and listen to some hardcore rock and metal for like, 7 or 8 hours! I liked all but one of the bands really. But most of them put on a pretty good show. The crowd was dead for the first few bands though which sucked for the bands. But Josh and I had fun. :) Got back home around 1, tried calling Brin but they didn't answer so I figured they had fallen asleep, and I did the same about 1:30 or 2. So I'm off to call them again and find out what we're all doing today! Yay!

concert, josh, music, friends

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