OOC: Info post

May 08, 2007 20:25

Yeah, pretend this went before the intro post. Shhh.

the canon, or 'hey that last name sounds familiar.'

So Jaina is the daughter of Han Solo and Princess Leia, who helped save the galaxy and then helped rebuild it. If you don't know who they are, you might want to crawl out from under that rock. It will make it easier to read that way. She's from the crackier part of the Star Wars saga (no, seriously) called the Expanded Universe (EU). This is where the dialogue gets better because Lucas isn't writing it, but the plots are more wtfy because Lucas isn't writing it.

She's the oldest of three, with a twin brother named Jacen, and a younger brother named Anakin (I still wanna kick the writer who thought that made sense). She grew up with her parents going off to save the galaxy, usually shuttling Jaina and her brothers off somewhere while they did it as it's hard to write adventures with children underfoot. When Jaina and Jacen got older, they got to get in on the action a little more, including getting their own series called Young Jedi Knights, in which they and some friends had plucky adventures while they went to school at the Jedi Academy.

When they're done there, things change a bit. Namely, I kind of imagine a couple writers had a phone call after The Phantom Menace came out that went all

Writer #1: "...Crap, we have actual canon for Jedi training now. Think Luke can suddenly decide to start that?"
Writer #2: "Sure! Makes more sense than most things he does."

Thusly Jaina went to train with Luke's wife Mara, and the boys went with Luke. So even if she's learning from the ex-Emperor's Hand, Jaina's getting a good head on her shoulders and becoming a good little Jedi.

the new jedi order, or 'and they all lived happily ever after, right?'

*pats you* You're so cute.

Spoilers for the NJO below

Meet the Yuuzhan Vong. They are a creepy alien race from another galaxy who has begun to invade the Star Wars galaxy to make it their own. Peaceful negotiations do not work with them. They'll just kill you dead and use biological weapons to turn your planet into something they can live on, thanks all the same. They're extremely anti-Jedi, conveniently create these sort of holes in the Force, have a weird thing about enlightenment through pain, and have a weirder thing regarding twins. FUNNY THAT.

They start really invading at the start of the New Jedi Order series, where right before they infected a bunch of people with essentially a terminal disease that isn't really cureable since no one knows wtf it is. Mara's one of the infected, and at the beginning of the series is I think one of two surviving. Which is kind of why Jaina's at Fandom High: there's an incident in the book I'm bringing her in after where Mara's illness kind of causes problems at a very bad time for both her and Jaina, so she sends her girl off to Fandom High, fully knowing what it is and that Jaina's going to get something like training here with as many invasions as this town has.

Mara: *is kinda clueless about the presence of a teenage version of her husband and ex-coworker Darth Vader-no-more being around, la*

So the events of Vector Prime have all happened. The war's started, Chewbacca's still had death by moon (you know, it's not even that it was really badly written, but dude, MOON.), and while in canon Jaina goes on to join Rogue Squadron and goes off to become yay military girl, she's just going to be paralleling them. So she will be going home every now and then to catch up with events. Mwahaha.

appearance and skills and personality, or 'aww she looks too cute to break my brain! ...ow my brain.'

Jaina's pretty, most often referred to as looking like Leia. She's got brown eyes, brown hair, and she's kind of not going with the cracked out hairstyles her mom wears. Also not much for the Jedi robes. She'll just be wearing plain pants and a shirt most of the time. She's also kind of tiny (5'1") because despite the Hayden Christensen and Harrison Fordish genes running down that bloodline, ONLY THE SHORT GENES PREVAIL. But anyway. I'm using Sophia Bush as her model, cuz hi wow she kinda looks like the model on the book covers.

She's very definitely one of the good guys, set on doing the right thing, but she's not against cutting a corner or two if she thinks it should be better done her way. (From Vector Prime- Jaina: "We'd do this job better." Jacen: "Okay, how?" They: *steal ship*) She's responsible and practical and can look at things logically, but she does have a limit to how objectively she can look at things when it's regarding someone she cares about. She's known for running headfirst into trouble, and this may be why she ends up playing damsel in distress a lot. She's got Han's attitude and Leia's snark and if you're being an idiot she will get her point across that you are being an idiot.

In case it passed you by, Jaina is a Jedi, and a good one. She's learning how to use it to suit her and how that makes her better. She can do the normal levitation and can sense things like emotions off of people, but won't be doing it unless it's stated in narrative. Then she'll probably pick up on it. And while she's capable of the badder things (mindtricks, eventually mindwipes, stuff like that), she will not be doing that here unless she finds it necessary, and then I'll get the appropriate permissions. Cuz hi, not trying to cause problems omg.

Lastly, she's good with a lightsaber, not terrific with the physical fighting as at this point in canon it's not referenced much and also she is kind of wee, but she'll be preparing herself for battle enough that she might try more. She's also a good mechanic, at home around spare parts that she can whip into working condition, and she's an excellent pilot. Really, unless your last name's Skywalker, you probably can't touch her in a ship. A very big part of VP is how good she is (youngest Rogue Squadron pilot ever with the exception of Gavin Darklighter), though she doesn't have her own ship. Though she's not above stealing one (see above referenced bit.)

anything else?, or 'ooh you know she has family members here...'

Okay, so how do I put this nicely? Fine to mention that there was a Han here before. Mentioning anything about anatomy will scar her in the bad way and I'd honestly like to avoid that.

As for the Anakin-Vader connection, she won't be broadcasting that fact. She will be wtf'ing REALLY REALLY HARD at it, though.

That was actually much shorter than I expected. Comments, questions, OMGWTFMOON?

info post, ooc

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