OOC: 50 Facts about Jaina

Feb 02, 2008 20:36

1. Jaina credits her dad for her piloting and mechanical skills.

2. While she's had drinks before, her only experience being drunk was as Brooke.

3. She's not big on TV. If she's watching, it's probably the news. Or like, Smash Lab.

4. Jaina doesn't really think she's pretty and couldn't care less.

5. She doesn't tend to drink coffee because it's not as good as caf.

6. She's always on some level in tune with her twin brother, but she usually doesn't think about it till something happens.

7. While she says she's from Coruscant, Jaina's never considered any one place home.

8. Jaina honestly doesn't think Fandom can shock her anymore. She's very wrong.

9. She can understand the Wookiee language, she just can't speak it and knows she'd sound stupid if she tried.

10. She didn't mind being bald at all.

11. Jaina had a mutual crush on her best friend for years and nothing ever came of it. Thanks to that, she has no idea how her relationship with John's worked out.

12. She likes Fandom because everyone can judge her on who she is rather than their expectations of what she should be.

13. She has no problem yelling at someone about what they've done wrong, but has a hard time being admonished or critiqued herself.

14. She knows how much she really is like her grandfather, and that really scares her sometimes.

15. After Kalarba, Jaina's worried she's going to die. Her training is her way of trying to ensure that it doesn't happen.

16. If asked, she'll say that Winter, Chewie and Threepio raised her as much as her parents did.

17. Jaina doesn't mind John's hair. This may be because she can't usually see the top of it.

18. She doesn't own a lot of things. It's not because she's forgoing material possessions, it's because she moves around too much to keep a lot of stuff.

19. She wears her hair down, but will put it in a braid or ponytail to keep it out of her way when it's longer. Right now if she can just pull it back, she's happy.

20. Part of her wants to stick Karal and Jacen in a room together and see who's left standing. Her money's on Karal.

21. Someday she wants what her parents and Luke and Mara have. "Someday" means "talk to me again in ten years".

22. Despite having known him her entire life, Jaina fangirls Wedge Antilles.

23. She hasn't talked to her friends from the Jedi academy since she came to Fandom. Except for Lowie, who she hasn't seen since Kashyyyk. She knows she can't explain everything, so it's easier to explain nothing.

24. She didn't used to be so secretive back home.

25. Jaina hates being taken care of.

26. She can fall asleep instantly and wake up just as quickly to an alarm. Fighter pilot habit.

27. She still sort of wants to take apart her uncle's lightsaber to see how it works, just because he said no when she asked.

28. Jaina's a pretty good teacher; she gave Danni Quee some of the basics to using her Jedi powers, and even taught her mother a thing or two. She's a little surprised she can manage that sort of patience.

29. She can feel when people die, but it doesn't have an effect on her anymore unless she's close to the person.

30. She was named after her paternal grandmother.

31. She tends to wear black more than any other color.

32. Jaina wouldn't think twice about Trenor if she hadn't first met him when he was a person.

33. During reunion weekend, she went to her room and cried after saying goodbye to older!John. She remembers this much, and will never, ever admit it.

34. She is definitely Han's favorite.

35. Jaina has never considered not being a Jedi, even if she never had a choice in the matter, and she doesn't get the people who choose to not use their powers.

36. She's glad the political gene skipped her. (Except it didn't, not entirely.)

37. She's never getting over her roommate dating her future commanding officer. She will, however, ignore that it's happening and avoid actually thinking about it if it kills her.

38. She has a bad habit of talking back to/yelling at authority figures, because she's always tended to think of the type as say, "Mom and Dad."

39. She works on mechanical stuff usually when she gets bored. She doesn't work on that stuff much these days.

40. If war hadn't broken out, she still would have gone for the military when she was older.

41. She doesn't have a favorite color, but she'll say it's violet because it's her lightsaber color.

42. She's defensive of her family to a fault. She doesn't think of it as a fault, of course, but it is.

43. Jaina doesn't mind being small. Hey, it worked for Leia.

44. She's fine with taking orders and doesn't really think of herself as a leader.

45. She can't cook. She could try, but you're taking your life in your own hands.

46. She knows how to behave like a lady when she needs to. Which pretty much means formal functions and such.

47. She thought formal functions were overrated and boring after the first one she went to.

48. She really wants to learn how to drive a car.

49. She's seriously hoping to stay until graduation. Originally she expected she'd be wanting to stay at home after six months or so.

50. Jaina knows one day she's going to go home and probably won't be coming back, and she doesn't think about that.

ooc, 50 things

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