The last
couple of
days had left Jaina with a lot to think about, which of course meant she didn't want to. Instead, she'd spent her time after leaving her grandfather's office in the flight simulator, going over a couple of the newer sim programs she'd gotten a hold of and focusing on that for a while.
And then when she'd been in there long enough, she'd gotten it into her head to call Colonel Darklighter when she got back to her room. It wasn't that she was trying to run away or anything like that, but it was in the back of her head that she'd been cleared for reentrance into the Rogues for a month now, and it had been longer than that back home. She had things that were causing her issues, and this was one she could do something about just by sort of poking her CO, and that would make her feel better in general.
Except that she ended up having to leave a message, and there went that. Jaina kind of figured she might want to just write this week off.