
Jan 09, 2012 00:22

Извините, почему-то рвется наружу графоманство. И почему-то на английском. Думала его заподзамочить для себя, а потом поняла - раз рвется наверное это зачем-то нужно, тогда пускай пока повисит.

Sometimes silly glimpses of everyday life awake a strong reaction or thoughtfullness for no apparent reason.
Like this older couple I met relaxing in the hot outdoor whirpool after a full day on the slopes.

Both looking probably in their early 60s, her still attractive face visibly lined with wrinkles, his stubborn boyish looking curls almost completely gray. They were sitting there talking in quiet voices, likely discussing unimportant things like their day, the hotel, the weather. They were speaking French, maybe that's why unable to understand even a word I focused so much on their faces and gestures.
The attentive looks they've exchanged throughout the conversation. He stretched his hand out to help her up the slippery tub step. She sat in the corner, then got up from the step and stood in front of him fixing the funny woolen hat on his head. He wrapped his arms around her waste and pressed the side of his face to her stomach for a few seconds. Nothing passionate or sexual about this image, only calm caring and loving, comfort and sense of belonging.
Can't explain what was so special about this common expression of affection, but it striked me then - something to look forward to getting wrinkled and gray. Not a young hot couple making out at a bus stop obviously madly in love now unaware of an almost inevitable break up around the corner and a new love to follow soon. But this - content with each other in your ripe years, after all this time still interested in what the other has to say, still attracted, still holding hands...
How many people are lucky enough to find it and make it life-lasting? And is it about finding as much as it is about building and working on it, preserving? I can't stop thinking about this French speaking couple wishing I could get to know them enough to ask about it. Wondering what they would say...

Разное о жизни, Отношения

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