drop the beat, nasty face, why you lookin at me?

Dec 07, 2012 11:20

I keep forgetting to post on here, oops!

So I had a birthday! Some of my friends came over the Saturday before and we had pizza and ice cream cake and then watched Dirty Dancing and Stardust. For gifts, I got some books, an Amazon gift card, a waterbottle and gloves (yeah, I don't know why either), and one friend baked me some banana bread!

I am now 23, which really isn't that different from 22. I guess this means I'm the same age as Chekov in season 3 of TOS?

In other news, I talked to a couple of people at staffing agencies, so I hope that will help with my job search. I'm probably going to take some  classes at the local community college: organic chemistry and/or C++ programming for science and engineering. It's super cheap, I just need to actually apply and pick which times would be less inconvenient than others. I might have to quit church choir :( Ah, well, they have plenty of other sopranoes.

Also, I might visit my awesome Twin-friend Kelly in Prague at the beginning of January. I need to look up airplane ticket prices and dates and whatnot. It's very intimidating, as tickets are expensive and also I don't know any Czech at all.

Um, last thing, I found these awesome chapter-by-chapter reviews by this guy named Mark. I read all the Twilight series ones (oh boy does he hate Twilight and I DO NOT BLAME HIM. There is some SERIOUS BULLSHIT in those books that I had no idea about because, well, I've never read them and I'm not going to.) and I'm working my way through the Harry Potter ones (which he loves, thank god, because that's half a my childhood/teenagerhood right there).

Also, also, also, I have watched the trailer for Star Trek into Darkness! I'm freaking out. Omg. The Japanese version has an extra bit at the end, that, ohhhh god, I literally whimpered. You guyyyyyys how is this movie not out yet? HOW???

And this explains my choice of music. I NEED A BLACK WIDOW MOVIE. KTHNX.

harry poooter, avengersomg, real life 2.0, nerdery, star trek

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