As the World Turns, CSI, Robin Hood (BBC 2006)

Jun 01, 2008 22:06

Link: Impetus to Change
Author: blairprovence
Rating: PG
Fandom: As the World Turns
Pairing: Luke/Noah
Summary: Luke has a conversation.
Warnings: none

Comments: Despite this just being a fic about Luke & his grandma discussing Noah, and therefore, not very froth with the Nuke love, I loved it, and the image of Noah hiding from Luke made me snicker. Silly boy. I loved Lucinda in this too because of course she would be the one who'd want to know everything that was going on in Luke's life. It was cute, sweet, and made perfect sense with how Noah was confused with his feelings for Luke, and how hard it was for him to accept himself (well, in the beginning, anyways). Lucinda's characterization was well-handled as well; she's shown as being tough, and no nonsense, but you can see that she loves her family immensely and only wants for them to be happy.

Excerpt: Seeing Luke, talking to Luke, meant thinking about things he was too tired to contemplate just now. The constant daily contact at WOAK was bad enough - there had to be someplace in Oakdale free of Luke’s disquieting presence, especially since Noah couldn’t seem to get him out of his own head.

Link: In the Dark of Night
Author: trascendenza
Rating: T
Fandom: As the World Turns
Pairing: Luke/Noah
Summary: Since they’ve met, Noah hasn’t given Luke nearly enough reasons to smile.
Warnings: none

Comments: I don't know what it is about fics like these, but whenever I read about Noah brooding about Luke, or brooding about not being with Luke, or straight-out just thinking about Luke, I get so giddy, and fall in love with them all over again. I mean, how can you not?? And I guess I love fics like these because we get inside Noah's head a bit because he doesn't quite wear his emotions easily as Luke does on the show. And I firmly believe that even thinking about a person shows that you care about them, so this compensates for the fact that Noah doesn't know how to express his love for Luke. The ending is simple, and lovely, just like their being together is. <33

Excerpt: And then Noah can kiss Luke, water rippling around them as they tread water, suspended in the center, a perfect moment in time. Unspoiled by shoulds, woulds, coulds and untouched by anything else.

-and then Luke smiles, and Noah knows there is nothing greater he can do than this, just this.

Link: All He Needs
Author: kennedy-unknown
Rating: PG
Fandom: CSI
Pairing: Nick/Greg
Summary: How Nick's parents find out about his relationship with Greg.
Warnings: spoilers for Grave Danger

Comments: Okay, so not being in this fandom that long (about a month really), it's quite shocking how I am now weary of post-Grave Danger fics. Mostly because most of them end up being too schmoopy for my tastes. (And I get that, I truly do; it's an intense episode, so it's to be expected.) I had read almost all of this author's other Nick/Greg stories, and they were awesomely good and in-character, so I was a bit less squeamish, and was like, well, I can at least try to read it and see what happens. I wasn't disappointed, not in the least. It's not that this fic wasn't romantic and mushy and sweet with The Love, but it was handled so well, and kept them amazingly in character. I felt for Nick and Greg, and I liked Bill and Jillian Stokes in this. The author also incorporates all of their views' well; it wasn't confusing or went all over the place. This rec doesn't do it enough justice, and I can't explain how great of a read this was. (I find myself re-reading it almost every chance when I'm in the mood for such romantic fics like these. And the picture at the end just made me a puddle of goo because, god, it says soooo much!) <33333

Excerpt: Nick wanted to reassure him, but the drugs were making him sluggish. He couldn’t stand the look on his partner’s face. “Good,” he finally managed to say. “Driving me nuts. Just wanted you.”

Link: Masquerade
Author: swirliness
Rating: PG
Fandom: Robin Hood (BBC 2006)
Pairing: Robin/Marian
Summary: There is a masked ball up at the castle...
Warnings: maybe some light spoilers for the beginning of season two?

Comments: The idea alone of this fic sold me right away. Because Robin and Marian dancing together? Right under Gisbourne's nose? And in masks? Well, if that doesn't scream forbidden love than I have no idea what does. Although there were some errors in grammar, it reads altogether nicely, and is in-character with the show's characters. No matter how Marian tries to dissuade herself from being happy that Robin is there with her, she knows in her heart that she wants him there and this fic does a wonderful job of conveying that. It's danger and secrecy and their love all rolled into one, and it's hot to read that. Robin and Marian at a masked ball is quite fun, I agree.

Excerpt: Neither of them moved until the last echoes of Guy’s footfalls had faded away. Marian opened her eyes to see Robin, gazing down at her. Feel him was a more accurate description, as he was pressed as close to her as was humanly possible and his face was mere millimetres from hers. All to ensure his concealment, of course.

june 2008 recs, nick/greg, robin hood (bbc 2006), luke/noah, as the world turns, robin/marian, csi

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