As the World Turns, Avatar: The Last Airbender, CSI, Dirty Dancing: Havana Nights, Star Wars

May 21, 2008 19:09

Link: Showing Affection
Author: SomethingElse
Rating: PG
Fandom: As the World Turns
Pairing: Luke/Noah
Summary: All the times Noah has thought about Luke.
Warnings: some spoilers thru the March 23rd episode

Comments: I don't watch As the World Turns- soap operas just aren't my thing (j-dramas are a whole 'nother story however)- but I caught some Luke/Noah videoclips on Youtube, and apparently, now I'm hooked. I've only just watched clips of their story because HELLO CUTE BOYS. Cute, romantic boys. Need I say more? Anyway, I liked how the story showed Noah being romantic, and the sweet boy that he is with Luke, and how it wasn't too schmoopy- some but with the right amount. It feels like something that he would do on the show, and just the mere writing and how the author connects everything in canon and makes it all that much sweeter is astonishing. I don't particularly like the current Luke/Noah storyline on AtWT (I imagine none of the Nuke fans particularly enjoy it), but I liked how the author showed that it is hard on Noah too, being married and having to act it in public.

Excerpt: Later that night as Noah lay in bed doing what he did every night (replaying every single thing Luke said or did that day), he smiled as he thought of Luke shifting to be closer to him.

Link: Freedom
Rating: PG (more like G though)
Fandom: Avatar: The Last Airbender
Pairing: Zuko/Katara
Summary: He wants his freedom, realizes it's what he's wanted all along, and now that he has it, he's going to keep it.
Warnings: none

Comments: For a such short piece, this is very powerful and poignant. I like how Katara and Zuko both seem to be on the same page, and they're lovely-dove with each other, but not so much that it makes me gag. Especially wonderful was Zuko's character, and how Zuko he is. Despite its shortness, it really tells a lot about Zuko and Katara together. This is exactly how I picture them together.

Excerpt: He wants Katara, strong and steady and fire and water all mixed into a dizzying solution that makes him drunk and powerful when he's lost everything, to stay with him always. He wants his freedom, realizes it's what he's wanted all along, and now that he has it, he's going to keep it.

Link: Passing Tests
Author: Steph
Rating: G
Fandom: CSI
Pairing: some slight Nick/Greg, but more gen
Summary: Greg's first day in the lab.
Warnings: none

Comments: When I watch CSI, I tend to only be involved in The Greg Sanders show, or sometimes the Nick 'N' Greg Show- when the producers decide to get off their bums and put Greg or Nick/Greg in an episode together that is- or even sometimes The Sara/Grissom Show, when the mood strikes. But anyways, I love how this fic keeps everyone in such great character, and it feels like something that would definitely happen on the show. Plus, Greg kicks a**, and shows them that he can be as good as the rest of them. It's such a great piece on Greg's character and how his first day might have gone. And the interaction at the end between Nick and Greg made my little fangirl heart swoon. <3

Excerpt: "No way. I need those results ASAP. Mine goes to the front of the line."

Greg's eyes narrow. "You'll get your results when it's your turn."

"Look, I know you haven't been here long…"

"I have graduated first grade though," Greg interrupts. "And the first thing you learn there is no cutting."

He returns his focus to the lock of hair. When a stretch of silence passes, he looks up again. Greg's heart stutters in his chest when he sees Nick standing in front of him, a wide smile transforming his face into something friendlier and almost boyish.

Link: Eternal Dance, Eternal Love
Author: Moonstar-Dreamer
Rating: T
Fandom: Dirty Dancing: Havana Nights
Pairing: Katey/Javier
Summary: Katey is sure Javier has moved on. After three years with no word, he must have. But she can't stop thinking about him. So, when she's back in Havana and runs straight into him, what can she do? Does he still love her? Impossible, right?
Warnings: none

Comments: I happened to catch Dirty Dancing: Havana Nights on tv a while back, and went in search of fics because the ending just totally left me unsatisfied, and I was curious about how their reunion would go. Sufficient to say, I wasn't disappointed in this fic because it's exactly how I imagined the two of them meeting years afterwards. It's got drama, romance, and hope all rolled into one, and made me hold my breath during some parts; I didn't want to stop reading, it was that good. The fic also touched upon the bias that Javier's and Katey's relationship had gotten in the film (the tension during this time between Cubans and Americans was felt adequately), but not so much that it was the whole point of the fic- I'm just glad that they didn't ignore it, however, expanding upon it wouldn't have been something that I would have particularly wanted to read. The characters were themselves as well, and overall, it was just a nice, not-exactly-fuzzy fic, but gave me warm feelings nonetheless because Javier's and Katey's relationship, to me, is classic, and this just drives the point home.

Excerpt: The music suddenly ended on a crescendo, and Javier dipped her. Katey could have sworn she saw stars. As he slowly lifted her, she grasped onto his shoulders to keep her balance. Her legs felt like water, and she shook uncontrollably. Breathing heavily, Javier rested his forehead against hers.


Link: What Was Lost
Author: Avalon
Rating: PG
Fandom: Star Wars
Pairing: none
Summary: Set immediately after Revenge of the Sith, Obi-Wan is exiled on Tatooine, trying to contact the ghost of his dead Master. But Qui-Gon's revelations will change everything Obi-Wan knows - or thinks he knows - about the Jedi order, and will shed light on that one burning question: Why?
Warnings: spoilers for The Phantom Menace, and Revenge of the Sith.

Comments: I love stories with Obi-Wan as the central character; I think Ewan McGregor really made me fall in love with the character. And I'm always up for stories post-RotS mostly because the ending didn't satisfy me at all, and it's nice to read something between the interval of the end of RotS and beginning of ANH (because twenty some years have passed, and a lot could've happened in that time). What I really liked about this fic was Obi-Wan's characterization, and how the author got into his head, and made him IC, while exploring how he'd handle his exile. The author did a pretty good job of picking up right where RotS left off, and made Obi-Wan seem human, while still reminding the reader that he was a Jedi- and that he wasn't supposed to dwell on the past, but to forget it, and to achieve inner peace despite everything that had happened, but you can clearly see that he can't. I liked that they did mention his pain about Anakin, and didn't try to shy away from it because that was such a big thing at the end when they confronted each other. But despite the seriousness of the fic, there was some hilarity mixed in as well- which brought a nice balance.

Excerpt: The mid-day sun was oppressive, the air so hot it seemed to scorch his throat and burn his lungs. Just like Mustafar. His mind shied away from that thought, and he tried to focus instead on the moment, on this place. It didn't help. This was the world that had moulded and forged Anakin Skywalker. The birthplace of the man who had betrayed everything Obi-Wan had ever cared about. Ironic, that a place so bright could spawn such darkness.

star wars, may 2008 recs, as the world turns, katey/javier, zuko/katara, greg sanders, nick/greg, luke/noah, dirty dancing: havana nights, csi, avatar: the last airbender

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