Everything's Not Lost [Closed]

Nov 10, 2008 21:03

Character(s): Connie, Kelly, Ahime, Sam, Adobe, Ares
Content: Connie and her Boy Wonder seek out a damsel in distress
Setting: Hospital
Warnings: None

It had been a sadly uneventful traipse through the dump, and Connie had let out more than a few flustered sighs. Cane clicking smartly on the cracked tile and her companion in tow, her pace remained undeterred until she caught a flash of sunshine in all the rust. The tousled mane of blond greeted Connie from the inside of a room looking to have housed many documents when the hospital was still in operation, and there was enough to try and not trip over that it announced her presence before she'd had the chance to put voice to her concern.

A wordless round about the desk Ahime was perched on, and Connie ducked her head to take in the sunken face and dim eyes of the girl. She dipped her head, dark brows furrowed as an uneasy smile slipped onto her face, though the hand that sought Ahime's chin were a bit firmer. Gently, gloved fingers tipped the dirty face up to see her own, and when this was accomplished the hand fled to tuck stray tendrils of yellow behind Ahime's ears.

"Now, what's all this?" Connie asked brightly, though her volume was far below its normal pitch. "We can't go wanderin' off when there's monsters about. I love chaos in the streets much as the next gal, but this ain't the kind to be enjoyed, unfortunately. Now-"

A pause, long enough for Connie to take two steps and set herself upon the table next to the other girl, legs comfortably crossed and cane tucked up beside her.

"Mind my company for a bit? I'm no use without a dame to look after."

ares, complete, ahime bouvier, hospital, adobe jackson, kelly hayden-douriff, constance o'shea, samuel henderson

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