Character(s): Hexan Rydel
Content: Hex ends up in Solluna
Setting: The Fountain
Warnings: None
Hex groaned. His head felt like it had exploded. Multiple times. The cool of the concrete on his cheek didn't help much.
...Wait. Concrete?
He blinked, against better judgment, and grumbled again, pushing himself up on his elbows to look around as his vision cleared. How did he end up lying on the ground when he hadn't even been outsi-...
That mass of broken brick in front of him looked like the fountain in the Quad. Only... it was as if it had been aged hundreds of years. Dead grass and trickling water was all that remained, save the huge monolith in the center, tilted as though its base had crumbled on one side.
"Oh... oh, no. Roy? Ana? Hey! Is anyone there?! Guys! Roy!!!"
His voice echoed around the broken buildings, and suddenly, a shiver ran down his spine, though it was actually pleasantly warm. He shivered and gulped, now realizing that everything somehow seemed tinted red, and made everything look eerily abandoned. ...Maybe everything was abandoned. But then...
"Hey!" he tried, weakly, again. No answer. He scrabbled up on his knees, shoving his hand in his pocket to retrieve his cell phone, and flicked it open.
"No, no, no, come on! Please!" He held down buttons, and patted down his pockets- usually, he had something there- he halted.
Withdrawing his hand from his pants, he opened it, confused. He had never had something like this. It looked like one of those expensive data phones, but...
"Please, please, please..." he whispered, and touched a button.
The screen lit up.
"Yes!" He crowed, and sat at the edge of the fountain to test it, and see if he really could call people.
But there were only a few functions, and soon, he realized what little good it actually did him. Still... he figured he should wait and figure this out. Maybe he'd be able to find Ana or Roy that way.