Character(s): Connie, Adobe, Sierra, Odessa, Booker, Sam
Content: Wakeywakey eggs and backey? The base groups greets their new day while something back home greets them in turn.
Setting: The hospital atrium.
Warnings: None, save tomfoolery.
The kinks could be worked out of her back later, Connie decided. )
Then Adobe's voice was added, less gentle, and the bouncing clatter of something plasticy bouncing near her. And she realized abruptly that the chiming was coming not from her dream, but her journal, which Connie held. She rubbed the sleep from her eyes as she pushed herself half sitting, muttering "'M up,'M up aredy."
Then her sleep-fuzzed brain recognized the specific beep her journal was making. "@$%*, something's at the base," she exclaimed, patting the floor frantically for her glasses and shoving them lopsidedly onto her face. "That's Hover. Whatever it is is human sized or larger." She fixed her glasses and pushed herself to her feet, he journal in her hand. "Gah, I need to program an uplink of some kind so I can see what he does. I have no way of knowing from here."
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