A rude awakening. (Complete)

Feb 23, 2008 16:53

Character(s): Silence.
Content: Silence wakes up. The hunt commences.
Setting: The Hospital. Underground Parking area.
Warnings: Possible violence against Gima.

Darkness. Darkness and pain were what greeted Silence. But not physical pain. Hunger.

Silence remembers...Little. He remembers the sand of home, and the smell of prey. The great Beast he had been hunting. And he remembers following it...Following it through.....A mist? Something he was unfamiliar with for the most part.

However, now, he could smell it again. Stronger than ever, but...Old. As if it had passed him by. His eyes had begun to adjust to the darkness around him, showing him...Shapes. A hulking, black mass almost directly to his right, from where he lay.

A blur of movement and a shower of sparks, Silence springing forward from the prone position with incredible speed and scything all ten of his claws downward through the object. Metal.

One very unfortunate Volkswagen is now missing the majority of it's engine components, and Silence is even more confused than ever.

He seemed to be in a cavern of some sort, obviously made by sapient creatures, but it smelled of the wild. Moss grew here in abundance, and some patches of it actually glowed.

Movement caught his eye, and once more Silence lunged. This time finding flesh, and bone, finding the satisfaction of tearing through it.

He sits on his haunches, crouching amidst the ruins of a long-abandoned garage, holding up an impaled "Rat" on three of his fingers. A look of distaste crosses his features, as the strange creature stinks of ozone. More of it's squeaking kin skitter away, glowing dimly like the moss.

An odd arch of electricity dances across Silence's form, the sensation completely ignored. And then Silence splays his claws wide, shredding the small animal into pieces.

Although he would prefer the food of his homeland, this strange prey would do. He would have to feed before he could return to his hunt.

And so, he does. Crouching in the darkness, the strange, ruby-skinned entity known as Silence feeds....

silence, hospital, complete

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