Being young and new to voting (only 21!) I've been doing a lot of research on various candidates and political parties to see where I fit in. I was raised in a very conservative and Catholic family with parents who told me "always vote for the Republican candidate." Well, I'm not conservative, obviously not Catholic, and not voting Republican in
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Comments 14
My religion hasn't swayed me in any way to vote for a candidate. What is swaying me into voting, is which candidates are a good fit for our country and what it needs. So I'm voting republican, because they have more to offer then any of the other candidates. I toyed with Bob Barr, until McCain chose Palin, who though she is pronounced as a scary conservative Christian by the media and her detractors, I feel I can connect with. sigh. The Green party, while very environmentally yippee skippy, I don't feel to be practical or pragmatic or that their policies will work. The Democrats keep nominating extreme leftist ones, Bob Barr doesn't have a snowballs chance in heck of winning, and errr the republicans while I don't' agree on everything with, seem to have the more sound view.
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*has whiplash*
I am an Obama-crazy Democrat. I don't think my spiritual beliefs play much into my political inclinations though. I have been a liberal for as long as I can remember, before I ever got into paganism.
I think this is a great way to put it; I don't think you can separate your religious views COMPLETELY from your political ideas, because they all stem from the same consciousness. /end butting in
I personally am voting for Obama. I'm not doing it because I think he'd be a great president, I'm doing it because Sarah Palin scares the shit out of me. She is conservative Christian to the utmost extreme and John McCain dying in office is kind of probable given his age and heath (had cancer 4 times). If she became president, Pagan queers like me would probably be hauled off to concentration camps or something and that really scares me. Plus, Obama is for full civil unions and gay adoption rights.
Forget the parties. Listen to the people and vote based solely on that. That's my opinion.
I wish more people would look at it that way. I think so many people blindly vote for their party that they don't pay attention to who they may be voting in to office.
Palin scares the hell out of me too. I'm Canadian so I don't get to vote, but the thought of her politics influencing Canadian politics gives me shivers.
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