Sep 28, 2008 09:08
Please let me know if this is purely a southern hemisphere thing.
I understand that a majority of the holiday activities that are currently attributed to Christian and other widely celebrated 'days' are based on the same thing that Wiccans base most of their Sabbat and Esbat celebrations on. I also understand that as a colony of a european nation we have dragged certain dates and most of the customs with us.
One of the reasons Wicca appealed to me is because I absolutely despise the consumerism of holidays like Christmas and Easter, even of traditions like weddings and birthdays. And I hate doing seasonal things in the wrong season. Roast dinners and roaring fires when it's 45 degrees Celcius outside? Chicks and baby bunnies when it's autumn? Why???
When I was researching the best way to celebrate Ostara most of the suggestions were:
"buy eggs (free range, of course) and paint them"
And well, I wanted something more...witchy I guess. I would settle for a little esoteric.
I am fully aware of how fluffy I sound right now.
It could be that I'm into my studies just enough for the bloom to off the rose, so to speak, but not enough to know better.
Are there any suggestions on how to make celebrations less mundane?
holiday history,
southern hemisphere,
confused person,
personal sabbat celebrations,
how to celebrate,
zodiac and esbat rituals