My first spell!!!!

Apr 18, 2008 10:14

I just wanted to share with everyone in this community, I wrote and performed my very first spell a few nights ago! I hope this is allowed, if not, I'll delete it, but I just HAVE to write this out and see what you guys think of it. Here it is:

Goddess of Love,
Goddess of Life,
free my heart,
from break and strife.
Blessed Goddess,
please give to me,
your strength and heart,
so blessed be!

So what do you guys think? I wrote it in my BOS, and performed it visualizing a white candle in front of me, as well as a mirror. It was a spell for strength and happiness. :) The next day I felt really happy, everything seemed to go pretty well, and I woke up with the energy of Artemis inside of me. :)


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