Stress or something entirely different?

Apr 18, 2008 08:31


I was wondering whether I could get some help please? I've recently just moved from England to Australia with my family after having lived there for the past 5 years. Leaving was extremely traumatic for me, as I had to leave my long term boyfriend, closest friends and a few ailing family members. But since arriving in Australia, I've been noticing some extremely odd things happening. For instance, I'll be walking along the road and see a car with no passengers in it driving past, but then i'll look again and it'll be full of people. But the strange thing is that I can hold looking at something like that for minutes at a time, and then it'll change to what would appear to be normal. And it's really starting to worry me. All of the things that i've been seeing seem to have significance to whats going on immediately in my life, whether it be a dispute, or something someone's said. I'm not sure whether its my subconscious trying to tell me something, or if its my brain just going into overload (which i'm always worried is FAR too probable, as i had a short, yet intense brush with substance abuse). I'd love to be able to consult my tarot cards, but unfortunately they don't arrive for another two weeks. I've been here for over a month now and its starting to get a little bit strange. Any advice or ideas? Haha, no offense will be taken if I get a bit of the old "you're cracking up, lady" - i'm getting pretty close to agreeing with that anyway.

Blessed Be.


PS. I'm now thoroughly appreciating the irony of my screen name. *roles eyes*

stress, flashbacks, weird happenings

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