So, I've been reading a lot, taking notes to put together for a BoS, should I start to make one atm, and I've come across a few things that strike me as silly, and I'd like to know your opinion as well
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For me this line Sort of like visualization. is 90% of ritual and magic. If you don't visualize then it's just motions and an act.
I know that it is not a magic book, but The Secret that was really popular about 8 years ago, talked all about this. What I thought was funny, was how much their Secret was how I handled magic.
BTW check out daily affirmations, they are a perfect example of very day magic, and all it needs is you and your will.
Some people think of Daily Affirmations as random inspiring quotes. That is not how I was taught. You could call it a daily morning or personal ritual
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That sounds like something I could use on a daily basis! Thank you for sharing. I work in customer service, where I'm on teh phones all day, and I DO get people who make me want to cry sometimes. And, because of my job, I'm incredibly stressed. I think I might try this soon c:
I'm used to group/Coven work so having nothing spoken aloud is jarring to me. But I've done solitary rituals wherein I mumbled or whispered or otherwise spoke quietly. I doubt anywhere it says you have to proclaim everything in a booming voice that would reach the back row of an opera house.
I think that's my exact issue too, and what puts me off from doing any sort of ritual. I feel funny saying things out loud, especially if I'm with another person.
I'm also of the belief that it's more about the intent than the actual act, so if saying it in your head works then go for it! This also applies to if you don't have "proper" tools i.e. using a finger for an athame etc etc.
Comments 10
I know that it is not a magic book, but The Secret that was really popular about 8 years ago, talked all about this. What I thought was funny, was how much their Secret was how I handled magic.
BTW check out daily affirmations, they are a perfect example of very day magic, and all it needs is you and your will.
I'm also of the belief that it's more about the intent than the actual act, so if saying it in your head works then go for it! This also applies to if you don't have "proper" tools i.e. using a finger for an athame etc etc.
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