Stones question, after cleansing them in salt water

Aug 14, 2009 08:06

Hi there, I'm new to this group. I'm posting because I have a question. Last night I felt compelled to do a cleansing ceremony thing for some stones/crystals, including my pendulum. I cleansed the stones/crystals (do not know what they all were - I'm no expert with crystals) in salt water and holding my hand over the bowl they were in, just for a minute, and then rinsed each off in cold tap water.

A small handful of these stones had previously been under my pillow, and I replaced them there when I was done. I was really, really tired last night from previous nights of not being able to sleep much, and wasn't able to sleep until about 3.30/4am. I'm aware that I may have somehow.. released energy from the stones? Or something like that? I've never cleansed stuff like that before, so other than possibly being stronger/'purer' (or just cleansed), would there be a reason for them keeping me awake? (I guess I'm just wondering if it was indeed them, or how cleansed stones might make me feel.)

Thanks in advance for any words of wisdom!

cleansing, crystals

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