Oct 10, 2006 00:54
My irrational slumber-drenched brain made a funny decision this morning. I opted for a day of catching up on reading and sunbathing opposed to actually going to Uni. Smart Laura.
I'm feeling a little bit more like it this week. I'm not suprised that last week was such a disaster. Coming down + PMS = emotional, cranky and irrational. It's good that I got my period though - only my 5th (I think) since November of last year. I must admit that I like not getting it only for the convenience. I hate having to buy pregnancy tests regularly and I hate the fact that when it eventually does come I get enough bloating, swelling and cravings to justify two months worth of period. I usually feel cleansed afterwards - refreshed and healthy. I'm looking forward to getting back on the healthy band-wagon after a week of shameful eating. I think I may have had hot chips on three occasions :(
I still want to lose that weight (3-4kg) Everyone around me has gone weight crazy for summer and I feel like fatty mcfat! I guess I'm not happy with simply being 'slim' - I want people to look at me in my bikini and say: 'Oh My God, Laura you are too thin!' On one hand this is incredibly selfish. I don't want to hurt or scare my parents - they have a pool, so they'll see me in bathers. On the other hand I want to be at least 6kg from my danger weight (the point where I start feeling fat). Hovering at 3-4kg under my danger zone is too close for my liking. As I have mentioned previously, I'm not going to starve myself to lose - I'm just going to put in a little more exercise and drink a little less beer!
The great news is that TOOL are touring for BDO. It may be my favourite Big Day Out ever - I am so so so looking forward to it. Hurrah for Maynard.
Only 4 weeks of Uni left to go!