Aug 13, 2020 18:02
Emma: Hey, Hersh, whenever I do this, it breaks. Does it do that for Wat too, or am I the only one?
Hersh: No one has complained, but show me.
Code breaks. Client hangs
Hersh: Hrm. Try this...
Code breaks. Client doesn't hang.
Hersh: Okay, so there's one bug. When the client gets this error, it doesn't end the process like it should. We'll fix that. But what's this other bug. Let's do a line by line compare of what it's processing....Hrm. It's processing everything...hrm...Try this...
Code breaks
Hersh: Now try this.
Hersh: Oh dear. That is definitely a problem.
Wat: Hey Emma! Great work finding that bug! That's a real problem.
Emma: Spoken like a developer who is not responsible for fixing it.
Wat: Indeed, I am not. And I've never run across it because instead of doing the operation on the entire dataset and letting the software figure out what changed, I only only operate on the changed objects. But you're doing it right. And it's really good that you are, because you found a huge problem in the way the code is handling that.
Emma: ?
Wat: What's wrong, Emma, you seem confused.
Emma: I'm not sure I've ever been thanked for effusively for finding a bug. Go me!
Wat:Very much, "go you!" Have a Kim Possible Commemorative Coin!