Jan 27, 2006 17:15
Oww... okay, well here are a few weird things about me:
1. I'm me (and thats something weird in itself, but you wouldn't get that unless you know me like you guys do!)
2. My taste in music is totally f'd up. Genesis, Evanescence, Billy Joel, Video Game Soundtracks, etc... list goes on.
3. I'm a drummer AND a guitarist, AND a singer, AND a composer, AND.... yeah.
4. I can't think of anything weird.
5. Insert number 5 here.... Sorry, I really can't think of anything to say, probably because I feel so weird / tired / blah right now. There are TONS of weird things about me, and you all know it. ^_^
Anyway, grouped in number 1 is like 20 things so yeah...