Everyone still alive? Good. Did everyone see the new Star Trek trailer(s)? No?
GOGOGO! Too bad that currently there doesn't seem to be the 10-minute version online :(
Although I have to admit that I'm one of the approximately 2% of the female population above 12 years old who don't really like Cumberbatch. I didn't even watch BBC!Sherlock. Yeah, we exist.
In other news, guess what I got for Christmas! Just guess!
And, yes, Otter you're right. It's... still a book. Somehow. Thankfully, it's also a manga (provided that the scanlator chose an unfancy but clear font). And now I can finally read those MB-sized fanfics at work anywhere away from the computer. But I really love love love reading my scanlations with the Kindle :D
Apart from that Christmas isn't really over yet but of course the usual things went wrong. The roast goose didn't turn out how my mother wanted (it was actually good, just not the way she wanted, cue sulking), my father and I are the only two people who like his Christmas Punch (obviously it is too sweet for German tastes - and while it sort of sucks since you wouldn't believe how long you have to search for a shop that sells raw sugar cane and tamarind fruits over here - on the other hand that means more for us), for political reasons The Dragon and my mother currently aren't on speaking terms right now and for that purpose my grandfather misplaced the batteries of his hearing aid. Fun fact: Only he didn't. He can totally hold a conversation with my father and me in normal volume, he just suddenly gets hard of hearing when my grandmother or mother enter the room. It's his way of wriggling out between a rock and a hard place, so to speak.
All of this makes me sort of glad that I have to work tomorrow x_X