Possible final entry of 2008?

Dec 29, 2008 15:11

The Neko, it lives!

Yup, back from the grandparents and weighting about 10 lbs more (only a rough estimate since I refuse to even look at scales). But I'll get over it. Eventually. It also reminded me why I used to hate Christmas when I was a teenager - because while other people got lots of great stuff, I mostly got underwear. Like this year. I reckon my grandmother got on a shopping spree when they visited the factory outlet a few weeks ago :/

Anyway, just remembered that there was a Winamp skin that I wanted to finish before I left but never got around to. So here it is.

I personally wouldn't put it under a cut but you never know. Whether it is SFW depends on your boss, I think ^^;; And I was sooo tempted to make heart-shaped buttons but decided not to. I still kinda sorta regret that XD

I spent the last week doing nothing but reading and eating and the cousin-thing really, really wanted me to read New Moon but I preferred Gillian Bradshaw and Sarah Monette and I finally read Heroes Adrift by Moira J. Moore. I love her books. The premise is stupid and illogical and the stories full of plotholes but I can never put them down :D (I'd love to see an anime of them). Apropos, that reminds me: Avatar - is that true? When I read about the Movie Casting Of Fail I thought it was a joke but it seems like it's true. I mean... lol? It's like, I dunno, making a movie of Count Cain or Emma (the manga!) with an all-Asian cast! It's ridiculous. And seems to be true after all. But then, why is everyone so surprised? Hollywood's been doing this for ages! And they never cast any Mexican (women) with Mexican actors (unless it's Salma Hayek who apparently looks un-Mexican enough for Anglo audiences), they always use Spanish ones for that. Why would they do something else with Avatar? (and, Winamp? Stop mocking me).

Next project: FINALLY a new layout!

winskins, rl, christmas, meta

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