America: F*ck Yeah!

Apr 27, 2009 00:16

So, I was thinking--- have crafty American weeabos somehow tricked the Japanese into thinking we greet each other with kisses like Europeans, only ours are full mouth on mouth?  I wouldn't think this is possible, yet so many manga seem to think this is something Americans do.  Where the heck did this rumor come from?  I mean, who does that?

And--now that I think about it--I really didn't see any Europeans kiss-greeting each other when I visited Europe, and I hit up France, England, Germany, Netherlands, Switzerland, and Italy, big cities and small ones, so I had a decent sample size...  Are we just as delusional as the Japanese, thinking all Europeans kiss cheeks when greeting each other?  European friends, tell me your customs!!

And actually, I got a kiss goodbye today in Hollywood, from a (not famous) actor, haha, and it sort of shocked me.  It seemed rather ballsy!  We hugged goodbye, exchanged, "It was great working with you!"s and then bam!   Big kiss on the cheek!  I mean, yeah, he was really attractive and all, but I had been in "work mode", so the thought of unprofessionally hitting on anyone on the set of the gig I was  working didn't even cross my mind.  ho ho ho >:3   Maybe he didn't mean anything by it he was just a crazy kiss-happy American!  we all say good bye like that!

Anyway, yeah: kisses, they don't happen!!!


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