Mystery Yaoi Theater 2000: Mud Wrestling Edition!

Apr 24, 2009 21:11

heeeeey~!  So i'm super exhausted right now, having just finished a 12 hour work day and only previously having gotten 4 hours of sleep, for the past two days in a row.  and i have another two consecutive days of 12+ hour work days ahead of me.  and I just got pooped on by my frog. >:T  but anyway, what was I saying?  oh yes, fanart!!  Soli and I played MYT2K again, and the results are rather amusing. ;D

Title : MYT2K: Mud Wrestling
Artist: Xpyne
Rating: um, PG?  could be construed as suggestive, although it's not really meant to be, honest! ;3
Charaters: Goku, Kanzeon, Sanzo, Jiroshin
Medium: sketched in 8H pencil, finalized in pen, lazily colored in photoshop.
Notes:  this time's decisions included mud wrestling, cage fighter AU, voyerism, tea, and probably some othr things I can't recollect in my current state of exhaustion. @__@;;
Time Taken:  about 30 min to draw, plus about an hour to color.

aaaaaaaaand, just for fun, here's a silly doodleberry I drew the other day.  Tarzan!Goku and Jane!Sanzo!  hehe

lol. XD


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