time trials

Dec 05, 2007 22:57

where does time go? i have a theory it's being eaten. eaten by MONSTERS. MONSTERS with TEETH. (oh wait, that's the plot of Steven King's The Langolier's. right... scratch that idea) time is such an elusive thing. i figured if i cut back on the video games i would have *more* time and i could use said time to do things like... hmmm... well i don't know, but you can bet they would be productive things, full of value and worth and merit and other synonyms. but what do i find when i play fewer video games? i just sit around doing nothing. i watch Will play video games, or waste time on the computer, or my personal favorite: pacing (yes, pacing) back and forth in the living room, rhetorically asking Will why I am pacing back and forth in the living room rhetorically asking him why I am pacing back and forth in the living room rhetorically asking him recursive questions.

i think part of this problem stems from the fact that my "to-do" list of productive things for the most part includes activities that can only be performed during business hours, like registering my car in Illinois. The problem is, of course, that businesses do business during business hours, and I, being employed by a business, thus do business during business hours (for the most part at least). So I am sort of busy during the time other businesses are open. Ah working world, you have foiled me yet again! Thus the pacing.

the other part of the problem is laziness. it's just so much easier to sit around doing nothing rather than be productive and work on things that matter. it's easier to play a couple of hours of XBox 360 than it is to go write something. it's easier to put in a movie to distract myself than to spend time with God working through personal issues. it's easier to think about change than it is to actually change. well, that doesn't mean i shouldn't try. because i am. for a change. that is a start.

oh, and there is snow here. sun and snow can lift a heart. i only regret that we will be seeing less of the former to compliment the latter in the days to come.
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