Thanks for
guessing my favourite characters! Explanations and pics behind the cut.
Willow Rosenberg (Buffy the Vampire Slayer)
Guessed by
citibyrd Willow was my first love from Buffy. So shy, so awkward, yet so brilliant and adorable. I really identified with the social awkwardness and insecurity, and I'll always have a soft spot for her. Plus, she's hot.
Faith (Buffy)
Guessed by
plastikgyrl GUH. Take my answer for Willow and invert it for Faith. She is everything I'm not - aggressive, forceful, man-eater, burning confidence that masks a longing and vulnerability. And hot.
Spike (Angel)
Guessed by
plastikgyrl Yes, he's one of my favourite characters from Buffy, but he burned bright on Angel too. I love a lot of the characters on Angel, but none more than the complicated, love-torn Spike. His character does change on each show, and I do prefer him as Buffy's True Wuv, but he's awesome as Angel's foil, too. He challenged Angel in many important ways, and helped the fifth season become one of Angel's best... right before it was cancelled. *headdesk*
Kaylee Frye (Firefly)
Guessed by
plastikgyrl (She's doing well!)
Is it unfair to call Kaylee Firefly's Willow? Because she is, and as an archetype, I do so love the Willow/Kaylee character. Kaylee specializes in mechanics, not computers, and is much more, um, sexually adventurous right from the beginning. More interpersonally confident, but adorably insecure with her crush, Simon. And is kick-ass when she stands up to his snobbery. Ah, Kaylee. How I love thee.
Soleta (Star Trek: New Frontier)
Guessed by
snapdragon76 Yup, my LJ namesake. Half-Vulcan, half-Romulan, Soleta's caught between two very different cultures. Forced to choose one over the other and live in secrecy about the other, Soleta tries to pass as purely Vulcan, but often finds it hard to control and hide her passionate nature. She's also a kick-ass science officer.
Gabrielle (Xena)
Guessed by
plastikgyrl Ooh, one of my hot crushes of the late 90s. How hot is she? A familiar trope already in this meme, but Gabby starts out all shy and unassuming, not knowing anything about the fighting or weapons she would master in later years. She is Xena's sidekick, rumoured lover, and her journey is at least as fascinating as Xena's own. If only these DVDs weren't $80 each.
Ginny Weasley (Harry Potter)
Guessed by
ciaracat I mean Ginny from the books here, not the movies, since she's barely developed on the big screen. And I also mean the Ginny before Half-Blood Prince. When she's (familiar trope!) deathly shy around her crush Harry Potter, but presumably much more confident and assertive out of his gaze. It's in HBP when this off-screen Ginny finally shows herself to Harry, having been told by Hermy to stop pining and he might take notice of her. Ginny (serial-dating, loud-mouthed, daring Ginny) becomes more like someone I'd want to be rather than a character I can identify and sympathize with. That was one of the small disappointments of HBP for me.
Veronica Mars (Veronica Mars)
Guessed by
citibyrd Oh, Veronica! Now we see another trope developing, one of Who I'd Like To Be. So witty, so quick-thinking, so sly, so brilliant. The scene that absolutely kills me is the episode where she is charged with rescuing the stolen dog of a mousy, shy, horribly insecure girl. At one point this girl gets a prank call from a popular guy who ends up being in the same hallway as her; realizing this, her eyes droop and she goes back to her social exile. Veronica sees this and quickly approaches Popular Boy to tell him off for such a dirty stunt. The girl immediately brightens and runs up to Veronica to thank her, but Veronica is JUST as mad at her! Veronica says "YOU should have been the one to tell him off. If you don't respect yourself, no one else will!" Shocking, but true. I could have used many of those talks myself.
Rory and Lorelai Gilmore (Gilmore Girls)
Guessed by
citibyrd and
plastikgyrl Do you know how hard it is to find good pictures of them individually? Anyway, I have plenty of favourites on GG (Paris, Lane, Sookie...), but I really love both of the Gilmore Girls, but more as a pair than separate. Rory I identify with more (yes, you guessed it, moreso as the loner bookworm in high school), but I admire her rock solid confidence - and for that reason, I actually loved her recent quitting of Yale and journalism. For someone who has been so secure in herself, it makes sense that her first experience of "rejection" would completely rock her world and tip her off the scale. And it only makes her a more solid, well-rounded character now to have come back from that and have battled those doubts and fears.
And Lorelai. Well, she's just hilarious and charming. A little neurotic, true, but she's fought so much in her life - rejecting her parents, struggling financially, embracing independence. I can't pick just one of these characters because often in their disagreements, I can identify with both. Re: Rory sleeping with Dean while he was married. I sympathize with Rory's behaviour - we all make mistakes - but Lorelai made the right decision to wake her daughter up to the effects of her behaviour and how problematic it was. Not what you want to hear from someone who is in effect your best friend, but it was absolutely the right thing for a mom to do.
Jim Halpert (The Office)
Guessed by
citibyrd Hot, snarky, and pining away for someone he can't have. Ah, angst. Dwight almost made it here, because he is hysterically AWESOME, but sometimes he really does annoy me. So not a favourite.
Dean Winchester (Supernatural)
Guessed by
citibyrd (She's also doing really well!)
It started out that I liked Dean because of the actor who played him (hee), as I was coming from drooling over him on Dark Angel. And it is true that Sam is more my type (bookish, modest), but Dean becomes hot by the fact that he is so NOT my type; that he so would NOT go for me. I'd be dating Sam and lusting after his brother. Spontaneous, assertive, and fiercely loyal. Also,
has a nice ass. (That's Jensen ass picspam - NOT dial-up safe.)
Jordan McDeere (Studio 60)
Guessed by
citibyrd The head of a TV network, Jordan is spontaneous, confident, creative and persistent. She does what others think is impossible, confident the whole time that it will work - either that, or she'll learn something from the wonderful disaster she's created. No fear. She falls into the "people I'd like to be more like" category.
Michael Scofield (Prison Break)
Guessed by
plastikgyrl A brilliant architect, Michael risks himself and leaves his normal life to rescue his brother from an unfair imprisonment. Intricately planned and executed, Michael is now dealing with the unexpected hiccups arising in applying theory to practice. Brilliant, hot, angsty, what's not to love?
Nancy Botwin (Weeds)
Guessed by
plastikgyrl Oh, Nancy. How can one be such a great mother while doing many things that obviously aren't in the Good Mothers handbook? Like dealing pot, for one. But she manages it. Hip, easy going, and almost too confident (as evidenced in the season two premier). I can't wait to see how it all plays out.
Sanjay (Weeds)
Guessed by
plastikgyrl I couldn't find a picture to post, so here is
his IMBD profile (with pic). Hot, eh? Hilarious, sweet, geeky, nervous and very much wanting to be liked, Sanjay isn't a main character, but definitely is a favourite.
Sayid Jarrah (Lost)
Guessed by
ciaracat Whenever asked my favourite Lost character in the past, I've always said Kate, because as many fans have pointed out, she's basically a Mary-Sue - can do anything, go anywhere... But she's not very consistent, and sometimes she's just downright lame. So with this meme, I tried to think of someone I've always liked, who has consistently been awesome and kick-ass -- and that's Sayid. Tormented, forced to do things he didn't like; brilliant with great intuition (he knew Henry was bad!); sweet and caring and so very, very hot. Yum.
Julien Lowe (The Shield)
Guessed by NO ONE (sniff)
Julien starts the show as a shy, pious Christian cop and closted gay man. He starts a raunchy affair with a hot petty criminal he helps to get off (heh), and they are very, very pretty together. Unfortunately Julien is wracked with guilt, torn between spirituality and himself. His struggle throughout the show is fascinating.
Alec (Dark Angel)
Guessed by
plastikgyrl When I re-watched the first season on DVD, I was shocked to realize that Jensen Ackles was only in one episode, since he was the main character I remembered from watching it on TV. He's that fabulous. Cocky, arrogant - what's not to love? :D
Izzie Stevens (Grey's Anatomy)
Guessed by
plastikgyrl I loved the actress on Roswell, and was thrilled to see her on Grey's. She's awesome, fun, and her and Denny were adorable. *sniff*
David Palmer (24)
Guessed by
citibyrd BRILLIANT, President Palmer, BRILLIANT. He's still my president! We need a president like him - fair, just, strong ethical and moral values, thoughtful reasoning and responses to difficult social and political situations. A brilliant first African-American president. How long will we wait for one in the non-fictional United States of America?
Nate Fischer (Six Feet Under)
Guessed by
bronzedangel Hot, sexy Nate. At the beginning of the series, he's a retail (organic co-op)-working 30-something, slightly slacker and unfocused. Then his dad dies, and he finds himself working in the family business, a funeral home. From there we see him start to figure out who he is and what he wants. Also, him and Brenda are love.
George Michael Bluth (Arrested Development)
Guessed by
citibyrd Ah, so awkward. So geeky. So in love with his cousin. Hee. He gets into so many scrapes just by trying to prove to her that he's cool and gutsy. And bites his tongue at other times.
Her: "I faked these plane tickets to freak my parents out. They'll think I'm going to South America!"
Him: "Uh, it says Portugal."
Her: "That's right."
Him: "... Heh."