Yul on the current season of Survivor? Totally my ideal boyfriend. Intelligent, modest, fair, caring, ethical, no ego, says really geeky things that makes everyone laugh at him but makes me melt, reads the clues to the hidden immunity idol and immediately goes "Easy!" and finds it right away. And he's smokin' hot if you like the smarties, which I do.
Nano update: I have 2.5k left to write in an hour and a half. Now to get back to writing...
My thoughts on the MOST HIGHLY RATED Veronica Mars ever! (Spoilers, of course.)
Also - I WON NANO! AGAIN!! I wrote almost 7k tonight, in about two and a half hours. I entered my final word count at 11:45 p.m. Some Nano stats I gleaned from my Google spreadsheet: I finished 50k in 12 days. My biggest single day word count was 9k. I averaged 3336 words per day. 100k is 287 essay pages. And though my last 20k didn't really advance my plot all that much, I am very happy with the writing I produced. A 'what I learned from Nano' post is due soon.
advent present #1 was opened immediately after midnight tonight. My roommate and I spent a couple of minutes feeling it up and guessing what it was: surely a book. A bit odd, as it had sharp corners at the bottom and round corners at the top, so maybe it was some kind of stylized recipe book or something. WRONG! It was two gorgeous funky CATWOMAN notepads. Awesome retro pink and green colours, and really nice paper inside with a different Catwoman image on each page. My aunt knows me so well; I am such a comics whore. And I didn't even know these existed, which is pretty unusual for me.
Now if I can find matching BATGIRL ones, I will faint on the spot.