On "Dollhouse":
ZOMG. I so did not even remotely seen that coming, and I think it's the biggest mind-fuck Joss has ever thrown at us, ever. What the hell is he doing? What's his purpose here? It seems clear he's into seeing how someone might evolve, but. . . wow. I cannot wait for next week. I need some answers!
On "Avatar":
I'm really baffled at the attention this movie is getting. Actually, I'm not baffled at this--I'm baffled that people find it so good. It's the prettiest movie I've ever seen, surely; but that's all it's got going for itself. The script is bad, the dialog awful, much of the acting suspect, and involves no characterization and no internal conflict on the part of the main character. I love the world and the graphics, but for $300 million, I'm amazed they didn't bother to get a decent script and a more involved plot that wasn't rehashed from a million other things. And everyone's got a major point about the colonialism.
'Avatar' And Ke$ha: A Denominator In Common? really sums up an awful lot of my feelings on this movie quite nicely.
Also interesting is
Dan Savage on "Avatar"'s sexual politics and deleted sex scene.
Of course "The Daily Show" included some "Avatar" spoof.