Lovely day.

Jul 31, 2007 02:01

Didn't sleep last night. Internet and phone have been fucking up for the past few days. Had a power surge that killed the TV and Wii. Wondeful. We were going to go swimming, but now dad says I have to unload the dishes first, yet when Dave wants to do something dad just gives him money and out he goes. Yeah, so fair. So now I'm home by myself and in a foul mood and hating everything. So what the hell, I'll just a crazy ficbit that taunted me throughout the night.

Title: Fashion Sense
Pairings/Characters: Pairings? / Asch, Luke, Natalia, & someone else?
Summary: Eight years after Luke's return and things are back to normal. At least, as normal as they can get, considering Luke did not return alone...

"You can't let her run around like this!" Asch snarled, spinning on his heel to face Luke.

Luke's brows furrowed in exasperated confusion. "Like what?"

How could his replica still be so naive about these kind of things? It should be so obvious! The raging part of Asch's mind screamed.

Though his intellect chided him, Because he will wall be younger than you are. When will you learn that?

Covering his face with one hand, Asch gestured feebly with the other towards the sixteen-year-old beside them. "Like this. This... this clothing. It's completely unacceptable. I won't permit my daughter to prance around in something so provocative."

Lusch grabbed Asch's sleeve, giving it several sharp tugs. "But Daddy..!"

Ruffling her hair, Luke pried Lusch off of Asch and gave her a small shove. "This is between and your father, darling. Why don't you run and find mother for me?"

Lusch crossed her arms and pouted, "...okay. But only 'cause you said we could go for a ride with Uncle Ginji to see Uncle Guy today. I want to see his new ship!"

With that the princess dashed from the room, long red hair billowing out behind her.

Luke turned a chair towards Asch and leaned back in it, crossing his arms behind his head. "Care to enlighten me, o' fashion king?"

Asch clenched his teeth and seethed inside. "Fine. I'll explain in simple terms. Do try to follow along, dreck.
"As a princess, Lusch should not be gallavanting around in some sort of bizarre mix of mine and yours clothing. I don't want any young brat out there getting the wrong idea about her or getting any funny ideas in their heads! Especially if she's wearing little black shorts and tights!"

Luke blinked; completely unperterbed by his original's rising voice. "If it's just the pants that are bothering you, I'm sure we can get her to switch it for something more decent. You know she does her best to proper."

Sitting down on the edge of the bead, Asch sighed. "It's not only that.."

With a thunderous crack the bedroom door flew open and Lusch raced in, smiling. "Papa! I've brought mother for you! She says it better be important since she was out practicing!"

Natalia, donned in the tight fabric of her Star of Malkuth outfit, trailed along behind the excitable child.

Always the gentleman, Asch stood as she entered while Luke nodded. "Hi Natalia."

Natalia leaned her bow carefully against the wall, then turned to face them. "Luke. Asch. What's going on? Lusch told me you to were arguing."

Luke grinned sheepishly. "Not arguing, really. It was more of a disscussion. You know how Asch gets."

Asch glared menacingly, but Natalia only laughed. "Only too well, I'm afraid! So just what were you discussing?"

Asch glanced to Lusch who had seated herself on the floor of her parent's room with a book of hymns, a gift from Tear. "We were discussing Lusch's new outfit."

"Don't you just love it?" Natalia asked, clasping her hands together and smiling proudly.

"Frankly, no." Asch said with disdain.

Natalia slowly let her hands drop. "You don't? How come?"

Egar to help, Lusch looked up and laughed. "Daddy said it was too provocative!"

"He seems to think the shorts are a bit much. And I don't think he really cares for how you made it resemble both of our outfits." Luke added.

Asch paled and attempted to take a step back. "I'm sorry Natalia.. I didn't realize it was an outfit you had made! Please, put down the bow.. Oh no.. Natalia, please.. Not inside the castle!"



Luke and Lusch leisurely strolled down the steps of Baticul in the direction of the port, taking in peaceful atmosphere.

"Papa, do you really think that we should've just left Mother to beat up on poor Daddy like that? I mean, if she can't heal him when she's through..."

Luke gave her a smug smile and a hug. "I don't think you'll have to worry. On our way out I popped my into the manor and informed Mama Tear about what was happening. I think she'll take care of the two of them just fine...."

Das fin. :x I wrote this for my own pleasure, so eh. Constructive critisim is welcome though. :o

And yes, I am in bitch mode. Nicer post once I calm down most likely.

life, fanfic, emo, family, tales of the abyss, wtf, crack

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