Ah, my birthday. Normally I'd put on a festive hat and celebrate the fact that the Earth has circled the Sun one more time; I really didn't think it was going to make it this year, but darn it if it wasn't the little planet that could all over again.
So, I'm being more outgoing, now. It's very intimadating. D: I actually talked to our waiter at Hut's today, and I think that I might be able to do more than giggle stupidly when I see Spentrick (me and my mum call him that, because he looks like Spencer Smith+Patrick Stump) or Maja (same idea as before) at Thundercloud on my birthday. :D
I want to dream of Liv Tyler for forever and ever, please.
I dreamed it was my birthday (which it will be in 13 days) and there was some tour thing, but it was cool because I got to meet Liv and get her autograph. ♥&
I got to meet/get the autograph of Toda Erika, too.