Why I will NO LONGER BE WATCHING the CW's Supergirl...

Aug 04, 2017 11:46

...I'll preface this by stating that I was a fan of the CW's show Supergirl who followed the show pretty faithfully.

But no more!

Here is a summary of what happened, from The Daily Dot. (Another summary is here. I would really recommend reading both summaries if you're interested in knowing the 'why' of all this, as they have differing points of view.)

Basically, it seems that actor Jeremy Jordan derided LGBTQ fans of the show at SDCC. (Although I will concede he did eventually apologize, his initial apology at least was still tone deaf.)

The lead actress on the show, Melissa Benoist, laughed along with Jordan at SDCC, saying, 'That's really brave'.

Also, when a fan wrote an entirely polite letter to Benoist's publicist (Bea: I believe Tumblr now requires signing in to access this link for some reason, and Wayback doesn't have it archived unfortunately), detailing how hurtful this was to LGBTQ fans, the publicist responded by threatening to sue the fan in question.

When the lead actor/actress of a show (and the rest of the cast for that matter, who mostly doubled down on this rather than say, you know, hey that's too bad sorry about that -link to come later) act this way it makes me seriously ask myself whether I should watch this show.

I'm actually not LGBTQ myself, but I wholeheartedly support the community and this is NOT the way to go about things.

So Supergirl and its cast (with the exception of Katie McGrath who did answer respectfully during the SDCC panel) are cancelled, as far as I'm concerned, and good riddance!

(Also, a personal note to Ms. Benoist: you were wrong, and you should have admitted it. I do understand it can be hard to do this in life, but it's also a process which is of fundamental importance when it comes to NOT BEING AN ASSHOLE.)

fandom, wasting time, supergirl, rants, fandom oh fandom, homophobia

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