...And another fanfic update! :-)

Jul 02, 2017 21:47

Time for another fanfic update. :)

Avengers (The) (i.e. Marvel movies)

-Breaking and Entering, by InitialA. Rated G/PG. Recommended by Bea.
Author's summary: It almost became a running joke, to see how often and how creative she could get to enter his apartment, and how long it would take him to notice she was there or did something.
NB: More fic by this author can be found here.

-Dating Older Men and Other Adventure in Growing Up, by igrockspock. PG-13 (Darcy Lewis/Bruce Banner). Recommended by Bea.
Author's summary: Bruce Banner is financially solvent, has good listening skills, and he doesn't leave dirty dishes out long enough to grown sentient mold. Darcy Lewis thinks he's a pretty big upgrade over her previous boyfriends. Of course, Bruce doesn't see things that way.
NB: More fic by this author can be found here and is recommended in the 'Veronica Mars' section.

-Good Look on You (A), by kinky_kneazle. NC-17 (Steve Rogers/Natasha Romanov). Recommended by Bea.
Author's summary: It wasn't that Steve wasn't great in the sack, it just wasn't enough. Natasha wanted him to lose control.
Bea's comments: Slight parody alert, this was LMAO funny.
NB: More fic by this author can be found here.

-Heatwave, by thegraytigress. PG-13 (Steve Rogers/Natasha Romanov). Recommended by Bea.
Author's summary: After the Battle of New York, Black Widow is assigned a new partner: Captain America. When their quinjet is shot down on their first mission, they're stranded on a remote, tropical island. Keeping the mysterious artifact they were sent to retrieve away from their enemies is hard enough. But keeping each other alive? That's going to require trust.
Bea's comments: This is the first fic in a series. I recommended this one because I enjoyed it and how the author got the characters together, but I will say that in the last story the level of angst was getting to be too much and was not entirely believeable.
NB: More fic by this author can be found here.

-Kick Off Your Sunday Shoes, by leiascully. NC-17 (Steve Rogers/Natasha Romanov). Recommended by Bea.
(Incomplete fic)
Author's summary: Natasha thought it was a shame that Steve had never been dancing (among other things).
Bea's comments: This fic is incomplete, but it does still come to some kind of resolution, so don't be afraid of being left hanging.
NB: More fic by this author can be found here.

-Moving the Furniture, by copperbadge. NC-17 (Steve Rogers/Natasha Romanov). Recommended by Bea.
Author's summary: Steve thinks about sex a lot, and he'd like to have some, if he could just stop being an idiot around the people he'd like to have it with.
NB: More fic by this author can be found in the 'DC Comics Universe' section and is also here.

-River (The), by Claudia_flies. NC-17 for slash (Steve Rogers/James 'Bucky' Barnes). Recommended by Bea.
Author's summary: The river had always been the boundary of their world. The boundary between their world and the world of others, of danger and kidnappings, of people who “are not like us” their mother had always said.
(Medieval fantasy world AU.)
NB: More fic by this author can be found here and is recommended in the 'Star Wars' and 'The Avengers' sections.

-Small Wager (A), by spanglecap. NC-17 (Steve Rogers/Natasha Romanov). Recommended by Bea.
Steve and Natasha make a bet.
NB: More fic by this author can be found here.

-Steve Rogers: PR disaster, by idiopathicsmile. Rated G. Recommended by Bea.
Steve Rogers gets a publicist.
Bea's comments: Truly hilarious. (Parody warning!) :-D
NB: More fic by this author can be found here and here.

-Wonderful Dream (A), by Olivia52. Rated G/PG (Steve Rogers/Peggy Carter). Recommended by Bea.
Author's summary: Steve and Peggy share an evening at the Stork Club.
NB: More fic by this author can be found here.

Jane Austen

-In Another's Being Mingle, by Maidenjedi. Rated G (Elinor Dashwood/Colonel Brandon). Recommended by Bea.
Author's summary: In which Elinor Dashwood is engaged as a companion for Mrs. Jennings, and goes to Devonshire, where she has a very different fateful meeting.
Bea's comments: A really nice reworking/retelling of 'Sense and Sensibility' by Jane Austen.
NB: More fic by this author can be found here.

Star Trek

Star Trek: The Next Generation
-Long Journey Home, by AstraPerAspera. Rated PG-13 (Picard/Crusher). Recommended by Bea.
Author's summary: 18 months after Nemesis, Jean Luc Picard cannot settle in with his new crew. While on sabbatical his life takes an unexpected turn and he meets up with old friends to outwit an old enemy. Follows TVMovie canon, not novels.
Bea's comments: I thought this fic was very well done which is why I recommended it, but I do have several nitpicks regarding it however. (Link to my review TBA).
NB: More fic by this author can be found here.

Star Wars

Prequel trilogy
-Grounded by Lightning, by Wednesday. NC-17 for slash (Obi-Wan/Qui-Gon Jinn). Recommended by Bea.
Author's summary: Qui-Gon is left by a lover, and Obi-Wan intends to make sure it never happens again.
NB: More fic by this author can be found here.

Original trilogy
-Heatsink, by deaka. Rated G. Recommended by Bea.
Author's summary: Life’s hard on Tatooine, and not everybody makes it out to the stars.
NB: More fic by this author can be found here.

Veronica Mars

-Money Shot (The), by igrockspock. PG-13. Recommended by Bea.
Author's summary: Eight weeks and six days after Lily's funeral, Veronica takes her first case: catching Richard Casablancas, Sr. on camera with a local stripper. All she has to do is lie to her dad long enough to get the money shot. Should be easy, right?
NB: More fic by this author can be found here and is recommended in our 'The Avengers' section.


-Fill, by Red. NC-17 for slash (Erik Lehnsherr/Charles Xavier). Recommended by Bea.
Charles is an omega, Erik is an alpha. (Please heed the warnings at the beginning of the fic.)
NB: More fic by this author can be found here.

-Heroes, Just for One Day, by Yahtzee. Rated NC-17 (Logan/Rogue). Recommended by Bea.
Author's summary: In the final act of "Logan," we discover that one other mutant from the early days has survived. Logan says one more goodbye.
NB: More fic by this author can be found in the BtVS and 'Angel' sections, as well as in the section for 'The Hunger Games' and is also here and here.

x-men, star wars, veronica mars, jane austen, fandom, fanfic, avengers (the), star trek, marvel universe, star trek: tng, recommendations

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