Tutorial 06: Yuuko

Sep 09, 2008 00:41

And the Yuuko tutorials go on... :D

Requested by 2baki.

This time we'll be turning
with Photoshop.
Uses Selective Coloring and Color Balance, so probably not translatable.

is A and
is B

1. As usual, prepare your base. I took Yuuko from this oh so beautiful image (I love the butterflies ;_;). This tutorial works best when your image has some blue in it.

2. But oh so dark! Duplicate your base and set this to Screen, 100%. Her face turned too light, though, so I erased that part.

3. Better, but the image is in need of contrast. You can either play with a Brightness/Contrast... adj. layer or try a Soft Light duplicate, that depends on your image. I went for a Soft Light, 100% duplicate from my base.

4. Next, make a new layer and fill it with #061B4F, set to Exclusion, 100%. Duplicate the exclusion layer for this. Then duplicate your base again, drag it to the top and set it to Soft Light, 100% for:

This step works well with CLAMP art since the line-art is already very strong, but you might need to be careful with other images. No need for desperation, though! If the contrast of your icon gets too hard, use a Gaussian Blur (Radius: 1,5 ~ 1,8) and everything is good again. :)

5. Nice preparation, but you know what we're still missing, right? For prettifying the colors, open a Selective Color... adj. layer, put in these settings and change the blend mode to Soft Light, 100%:

Reds: -100 45 100 0
Yellows: -20 30 100 -38
Cyans: 100 0 -100 0
Neutrals: -21 -12 -27 -10

6. Much brighter! But I wanted to bring out the purple and violet, so create a Color Balance... adj. layer like this:

Midtones: -32 0 28
Highlights: 35 0 0

7. Sweet~ Now it can be texture time! First, take this one by (?) and set it to Multiply, 42%. Again I erased parts that were too dark, disturbing and whatsoever.

8. Aaw... I love the dark border. <3 Now take another one of my fave textures by (?) and set it to Multiply, 49% (I don't know why it isn't an even 50 xD). And A is finished!

For B we need to do a bit more. Duplicate your base again and set it to Soft Light, 85% to make it a bit lighter (or play around with the Brightness/Contrast... adj. layer):

9. I was almost tempted to leave it that way (actually I like it like this a bit better than the final result), but oh well... Next I wanted to bring out the turquoise colors of Yuuko's clothes. Therefore I added this awesome texture by sanami276 on Soft Light, 100%. Depending on your image you can skip this step, it was really only for the turquoise.

10. Almost there~ however, I have a tendency to add some shinies to most of my icons. For this one I chose this light texture by rlf_icons, set to Screen, 100%. I also played around with the colors (--> Edit --> Color Balance) to make the lights look greenish.

11. I added the text and since it wasn't that readable on the colorful icon, I created a new layer under the text layer, drew a box with the rectangular marquee tool, filled it with a dark blue and set that layer to Multiply. As final steps I took this swirly texture by cdg (desaturated and inverted it) and parts of this scratch texture and set both to Screen, 100%. That's it!

Questions? Just ask! :D

Other examples:

Be creative and experiment however you want, and I'd love to see your results! I'm curious what you come up with. :D

This post is open for tutorial requests. Help me procrastinating and feel free to request some. :D

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