Tutorial 05: Yuuko

Sep 04, 2008 20:02

Baah... I'm not feeling well at the moment, so since I can't really walk around I'll try to shorten the list with tutorial requests. ^^;
The first out of four (!) tuts featuring xxxHolic's Yuuko (man, that woman is popular xD), so let's start.

Requested by 2baki.

How to go from
in Photoshop. Uses Selective Coloring, so probably not translatable.

1. Get your base ready. I was on a Holic trip back then and couldn't get enough of Yuuko, so I cropped pretty yukata-Yuuko from this pretty yukata-image.

2. Too dark, help yourself with a #434040 fill layer on Exclusion, 40%. I love gray fill layers, they're such a nice alternate to the dark blue exclusions (which I love, too *LOL*).

3. Better~~ but so dull. D: Duplicate your base, drag it to the top and set it to Soft Light, 100%.

4. Yosh! Now that we're done with our basics, let's play around with the colors. First, make a Hue/Saturation... adj. layer and go up with the master saturation to +25. Then open a Selective Color... adj. layer (my favourite toy! ♥) and put in these settings:

Reds: -100 -10 100 20
Yellows: -35 20 0 0
Cyans: 100 0 -100 0
Blues: 100 0 0 0
Whites: -50 0 0 0
Neutrals: 45 -37 -53 11

A few parts were too overwhelming, so I brushed with a dark color over these parts while having the adjustment layer selected.

5. I'm satisfied with the coloring, now it's time for textures. I took this lens texture by ninesouls and this one by gravira and set both to Lighten, 100%. I rotated them and erased some parts.

6. Next I added one of my favourite textures ever (means it's in my faves folder and I can't tell you who made it *cough*) on Screen, 77%.

7. Isn't that red light pretty? *_* But we can do even better! Since yukata-Yuuko is probably going to a festival, the icon shall have some night lights. Take this one by soulspring on Lighten, 100%. Then duplicate it and set the duplicate to Screen, 100 %. Erase parts that are too powerful on both layers.

8. Doesn't that look festival-ish? But the image quality suffered from all those textures, so take another Soft Light, 100% duplicate of your base.

9. One final step: take this floral by (?), invert it, set it to Screen, 100% and move it to your liking. Add text if you want, or leave it as is. FInished!

Questions? Just ask! :D

Other examples:

Be creative and experiment however you want, and I'd love to see your results! I'm curious what you come up with. :D

This post is open for tutorial requests. Help me procrastinating and feel free to request some. :D

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