Title: The Breath Between Us
Rating: NC-13? Whatever.
Pairing: Sasuke/Suigetsu
Length: 1,640
A/N: I don’t have an excuse for this, I don’t even have a reason! Apparently I am still a sucker for water motifs, no matter how… incurably stupid they may be. My brain told me this was hot, and who am I not to listen?
Summary: This can best be
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I like the beginning, where Suigetsu is taunting him and being a general creep. TENSION. HORMONES. WATER TANKS. Hell yes.
i've never written it before, and i know very little about it, but one day i decided it was hot, and went to find fic of it, only to be cruelly disappointed by ffn.net, so i decided I CAN DO BETTER THAN THIS. and this... mush is what resulted? XD
Suigetsu is totally baby Kisame, and right on, Itachi totes does have a harem XD oh my god, can i tell you, i spent tonight with my naruto-inclined friend playing the video game and shouting things at each other like KATON! GOKAKYU NO JUTSU! AND ROKU JI JOUNSHO! etc etc, and oh my god, between us, we know a really embarrassing amount of jutsu names. he knows how to do the handseals. and the accompanying quickseals. :x we are dorks.
OH THE VIDEO GAME I too have played it with the baby bro, except only when Itachi was unlocked. It has lulz value because you can have matches like Itachi v. Tenten, which, what. I WANT TO LEARN THE HANDSEALS. Is it even physically possible to do them that fast?
Their english voices are somewhat nauseating, but if you pair certain people together, they do really entertaining specials, like Itachi/Kisame have a water & genjutsu attack together, Tsunade & Sakura, Jiraiya & Naruto, Kurenai & Asuma, Hinata & Neji, Shikamaru & Chouji, Orochimaru & Kabuto, Gaara & Temari or Kankuro, etc.
God, Itachi is so cheap in that game, because his bunshins can attack for him. :D it's kinda fun, though, dorking it up ( ... )
HANDSEALS MUST BE LEARNED brb youtubing them forever. I don't know how this would be useful in real life (job interviews? dinner party conversation openers?). The quickseals make me happy. I adore how the Good People! quickseals make a certain noise and the Evil People! ones make another; Color Coded for Your Convenience! /dorkitude
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