[ficlet] The Breath Between Us, sasuke/suigetsu

Aug 18, 2010 19:04

Title: The Breath Between Us
Rating: NC-13? Whatever.
Pairing: Sasuke/Suigetsu
Length: 1,640
A/N: I don’t have an excuse for this, I don’t even have a reason! Apparently I am still a sucker for water motifs, no matter how… incurably stupid they may be. My brain told me this was hot, and who am I not to listen?
Summary: This can best be described as… kinky water tank sex. see also: my shame that I had to write that.
..but why, Kishimoto, did you have that wacky scene where Suigetsu is naked behind Sasuke and holds his finger to Sasuke’s head like a gun? SOMEONE EXPLAIN.

cross-posted, for once in my life. :x

Sasuke never once considered sleeping with Orochimaru.

He’s sure everyone thinks he has, that he was whoring himself out for more than just ninjutsu techniques, but the notion is disgusting on more than one level. It’s not that he’s immune to sexual urges, but the entire concept has always seemed more like a distraction than anything else. Sasuke ruthlessly ignores the urges of his body, repressing them with the same discipline applies to everything else.

Life, as it were, settles into something very strange in Orochimaru’s hideouts, and he finds himself with long stretches of free time. He takes to wandering the labyrinthine compounds, today exploring the basement, a treacherous pursuit any way you cut it.

This is when he happens upon a giant water tank, glowing green against the darkness. Sasuke steps closer and puts his palms against the glass, trying to decipher its depths with the Sharingan.

Two sickeningly pale palms stretch out of the murky darkness and mirror his own. Eyes appear next, forming a face out of children’s ghost stories, tiny little teeth like a kappa. It’s almost comical, but Sasuke resists the urge to snicker. He’s been steadily meeting the other creatures trapped by Orochimaru, and each new horror, each new maimed specimen trapped in a halted timeline fills him with repulsion.

This is something else, though.

A young man’s body appears next, floating forward to press against the glass. Sasuke couldn’t tell you to this day, though Suigetsu probably could, what makes him step forward one more time and line their bodies up on either side of the glass.

Sasuke is still very young, and it is a fairly predictable fact that when people ignore the huge, looming specter of sexual urges, they are caught completely off guard when said urges finally decide to make themselves known.

He hasn’t gotten enough sleep lately, Sasuke tells himself. He’s been training too hard. But still he stares at the naked man in front of him, who stares back owlishly and then grins in a feral smirk, all shark-teeth and incongruous amusement. How can he grin, trapped like that?

There is a connection here; that much Sasuke hasn’t missed. Their foreheads lean together, hands and hips echoing the movement and shape of each other’s body. The shark-man is also completely, utterly naked, and unembarrassed about it. Very, very naked, and why is Sasuke thinking about this? He looks down, which is a horrible mistake, as it reveals the long, smooth line of the other’s torso, waist, slim hips and cock, skin glowing faintly in the shifting blue-green light playing over his body.

Sasuke’s hands clench into fists, and then the situation, already bizarre, worsens: he lifts his eyes to meet the other boy’s only to find his eyes closed and pink lips open, hair shifting around his face, following the gentle movement of the water.

Sasuke flinches at how loud his heartbeat is, sounding out the throbbing pulse that slams through him. He draws a shaky breath and watches helplessly as the other’s hips rock against the glass, and his own mimic them. He has never been quite this turned-on- everything he’s experienced thus far, or rather, repressed, cannot possibly compare to what’s going through him now. There’s something illicit yet delicious about this strange, impromptu connection, of the unapologetic nakedness of the boy in front of him.

The fish boy slides down along the glass, stopping with his head in front of Sasuke’s crotch, and flicks his tongue in a series of obscene movements. Sasuke stares down, knees trembling, because he doesn’t have to imagine anything about how that tongue would feel moving against him. His body has already responded with vigor. His hips are twitching too, moving in a slow rhythm he could swear wasn’t in him before, coaxed into tempo by the other’s tongue.

Their eyes meet, the strange kid looking directly up at him while his tongue rolls against the glass, and Sasuke shudders. He can feel the hard-on straining against his pants, not in any way helped by the sight of the other fearlessly meeting his eyes and undulating his tongue against where his cock would be-

Sasuke is helpless in the grip of a force this old, this powerful, dissolving his carefully constructed barriers and leaving him in the riptide- such that now he is pressed desperately against a giant water tank in the basement, wondering how his life has taken this strange turn.

This has gotten out of control. What is he doing? There is little Sasuke hates more than the loss of control, and this definitely counts. The attraction to the boy in the water tank is just allurement, a passing feeling he can experience and then ignore. Get it out of his system and the problem will be gone.

Sasuke doesn’t think much about why problems crop up, just how they can be solved. He backs away, trying not to hyperventilate. The shark boy floats up and bangs on the side, trying to summon him back. Sasuke meets his eyes, flushes, and the decision is easy. He leaves the basement room, knuckles white.

HE LASTS ABOUT A WEEK before stealing codes from Kabuto’s control room and wandering in the basement till he finds the giant tank again.

He walks upstairs to a little room at the top of the tank, full of black metal grating with a platform over the water, lit in a wash of green light. He sticks a hand in the water tentatively, moving his fingers around in the warm water. How did this Suigetsu get stuck here with Orochimaru anyway?

In a scene straight out of nightmares, a fish-white hand grasps his wrist, halting its movement, and Suigetsu’s head rises out of the water.

“You came back,” he leers, grinning in a way Sasuke associates with eviscerating enemies. He wasn’t wrong before: he likes this strange boy.

Sasuke braces his feet, smirks, and reaches out his other arm to Suigetsu, who quickly grips his forearm. He pulls, and Suigetsu climbs onto the platform, immediately draping himself over Sasuke and latching onto his neck with sharp teeth. Sasuke falls willingly backwards, gives himself over to Suigetsu’s weight and runs his hands along his back, letting the slick of his wet skin slide his hands along broad shoulders, over the ridges of spine and across the small of his back. He relishes how his clothing is getting wet wherever it comes in contact with Suigetsu’s body, whose teeth sink further into his neck. It’s painful, more like an assault than foreplay, but Sasuke jerks into it, closing his eyes against the shift in his blood, the drumbeat already beginning to pick up pace. He’s going to find out what this is all about, solve this problem before it can compromise his training any further.

“So, uh, what’s your name?” Suigetsu asks, licking away the blood he’s drawn on Sasuke’s neck -huh- Sasuke moves up and draws a path with his tongue up Suigetsu’s neck, watching the way his eyelids flutter to half-mast, and tells him.

Suigetsu looks at him for a long moment, then pronounces flatly, “Never heard of you,” which Sasuke is fairly sure is a lie, but now’s not the time to call him on it. Suigetsu writhes against him in a way that lights a path through his sternum straight to his cock, then slides his hands under Sasuke’s thin white shirt. He is still soaking wet, and Sasuke feels a tiny jolt of irritation at how much of a turn-on this is. Suigetsu rakes his claw-like fingers down his chest, gripping his hipbones, moving the pads of his fingers in little circles. Sasuke drags in a breath and tries not to let it show that he has no fucking clue what he’s doing. This is worse than he anticipated: this kid is reducing him to gasps and whimpers with ease, on a platform over a fucking tank of water.

The other boy starts untying the shimenawa ropes knotting his clothes together, and Sasuke doesn’t stop him. He flexes his back against the metal grating digging into him, trying to gather his wits, only to slam his head back when Suigetsu takes him in his mouth in a wet slide, making Sasuke gasp loudly, the sound echoing off the tank walls. He sees stars, and holds onto Suigetsu’s arms in a deathgrip before remembering to breathe, his hips straining feebly against Suigetsu’s hands. Sasuke has no frame of reference to judge this sensation; all he knows is that it feels really fucking good, and he’s not quite sure how to return the favor just yet. He runs his shaking hands through Suigetsu’s pale hair, delirious with the rush of pleasure turning his insides to jelly. Suigetsu snickers meanly and twists his tongue, making Sasuke hiss, and increases the pace.

It all becomes too much very suddenly, and Sasuke clutches his arm in warning, but Suigetsu seems unperturbed, forming a seal with his mouth until Sasuke’s shudders come to a stop. Everything is very wobbly, and he doesn’t think he can walk just yet - he feels Suigetsu lay against him once more, his cool body a welcome weight over Sasuke’s overheated one. Sasuke is mildly surprised again to realize he likes the feel of hips against his own, legs tangled thoughtlessly. Gingerly he places his hands on the other boy’s shoulder blades, feeling every deep breath lifting the body over him, thin ribs sliding against his own.

Finally he exhales and starts tying his clothes together again, rising shakily. Suigetsu looks up quickly, eyes focused on him with a cool intensity and an accusation lingering in their edges.

I can’t let you out just yet.

Sasuke meets his gaze, the only apology he can make, and leaves, locking the tank door behind him.

..this started as a weird drabble where sexuality smacks Sasuke on the head while he stares at naked!suigetsu, and then.. devolved. :/

ficlet, sasuke is stupid to the max, fanfic

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