I have problems. The aquatic kind. [drabble +some CG]

Jun 14, 2010 22:05

The Little Mermaid is really not appropriate brain-fodder when plunked into one's OTP. I should not be drawing Shisui as Prince Eric and Itachi as some sort of Ariel substitute poking him washed up on the beach x_x ( Read more... )

naruto, drabble, sasuke is stupid to the max, art, itachi

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nthcoincident June 15 2010, 04:10:28 UTC
re: HTML I know nothing so, you know. No help there.

BUT! If you darken and slim down the pencil lines in Photoshop with the layer adjustment tool, you don't have to go through the boring and ultimately pointless inking process. I haven't had to ink anything since I figured out how to use it :)

and Little Mermaid-tachi is only acceptable if Madara-Triton is involved, GOD


soleil_et_pluie June 15 2010, 04:29:19 UTC
tralalala, i can't hear you, i'm reading Some Words On Memory. At least this time i find your post at night and not during work.

observations thus far (i'll comment on your post when i finish reading): i still don't get ItaHina, but i have this sneaking suspicion you will make me love it >/

"Don't listen to him," Itachi had said, with the quietly self-conscious air of one who did little else. She had looked at him and seen the same quality of herself: the invisible brittleness that came from living in the lee of the sun. "Table etiquette can be difficult." OH THIS IS SO BRILLIANT. Just that line, so perfectly concise, about Itachi realizing he does little else but listen to Shisui. af;gkwog

Shisui had dropped the edge of his sash and taken the overrobe from Itachi. She had stored away the details of his closeness with a strange excitement-a woven bracelet, a slight scar under his chin, and-a perfect schoolyard detail, to be hoarded and analyzed later: a silver earring, nearly swallowed by his curls. Oh, i don't know why, maybe it's ( ... )


soleil_et_pluie June 15 2010, 04:37:12 UTC
Also all your fics make me want to illustrate scenes from them due to vivid imagery etc XD i just have to do them justice xO *flail*


nthcoincident June 15 2010, 04:57:11 UTC
osiajf no one's ever said that before, I am TRULY MADLY DEEPLY FLATTERED and I look forward to seeing your thoughts on the story! <3 Remember when I said I sit down and write stuff in a delirious quickie state? Not this one. It was difficult.

...bear in mind I don't know very much about it either, and also that I have CS4, but this should work there too.

So open up your line drawing, and then go to Image>>Adjustments>>Levels. A sort of...horrifying graph thing should pop up.

Directly under that, there should be three boxes with odd decimal numbers. There are three tiny sliders right above them. Sliding the first one around will adjust the thickness of your lines. The second one will adjust their darkness. The third will adjust the amount of gray matter (random scribblings, usually)--but be careful with this one, because once you move it you'll have to re-adjust the others ( ... )


soleil_et_pluie June 15 2010, 05:25:06 UTC
Sexytastic. I always forget how sexy you make Shisui. IN ART AND FIC, COME TO THINK OF IT.

Thank you bb!!!! Photoshop funtiems indeed. i'm deep in that "fucking around with different computer coloring methods" stage, madly gobbling up coloring tutorials etc. Stupidly enough, all of my real-life painting knowledge does not transfer well, apparently. it's like GAH THERE SHOULD BE SHADOWS THERE BUT THEY LOOK STUPID DONE IN PHOTOSHOP WWWHHHYYYY and more pain & misery etc etc;;. i mean, watercolor like this sort of tomfoolery is more my speed but anime style is also weird on watercolor paper. x/


nthcoincident June 15 2010, 15:25:46 UTC
/JEALOUS FOREVER goddamnit I wish I could paint! I will make starry eyes at your watercolors forever; why do you even want to learn CG!? I wouldn't want to, if I could paint like you :)

Shisui's entire point in life is to be Itachi's sexy mangekyou buddy, we might as well make use of that...

Yeah I...have mostly given up on digital coloring :) There seems to be a fine balance between "realistic" and "anime style" that the really good artists are able to see, but without an understanding of where that fine line is the whole endeavor is doomed.


soleil_et_pluie June 15 2010, 15:41:18 UTC
Durrr thank you! ..i want to learn CG because there's something so sexy about the anime style. it's deceptively simple, too, which makes it harder. like sumi-e or something x_x;; and how would i draw Ita/Shi, otherwise?? Can you picture itachi and shisui as real people? I can't orz /fail

lies, he has a life all his own now, he's alllliiiiiiiivvee much like Frankenstein



nthcoincident June 15 2010, 16:35:09 UTC
I CAN IMAGINE THEM AS REAL PEOPLE. Shisui would look like some old-school teenybopper actor. Probably Jesse Bradford in 10 Things I Hate About You.

...I disgust myself orz


nthcoincident June 15 2010, 16:36:25 UTC
Actually it wasn't even 10 Things I Hate About You, it was that other movie...with...with cheerleaders...


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